Flight International - 10 April 2018

(Grace) #1



10 | Flight International | 10-16 April 2018 flightglobal.com


KC-390 previously ground-
ed by Embraer for several
months after an October 2017
flight-test mishap returned to the
spotlight as the star of the FIDAE
air show.
The tanker/transport made its
debut at the event eight years
after the Chilean government
committed to buy the aircraft.
Chilean president Sebastián
Piñera, who took office for the
second time last month, was also
president in 2010 when his gov-
ernment committed to join the
KC-390 project as a customer.
But the KC-390 never became
an acquisition priority under the
previous Bachelet government,
and Piñera’s current policy, only
a few weeks after his return to of-

fice, is not yet known.
Speaking to FlightGlobal on
4 April, Gen Lorenzo Villalón Del
Fierro, chief of the general staff of
the Chilean air force, declined to
answer any questions about

fixed-wing procurements.
Although Chile was one of five
countries that committed to im-
port the KC-390, so far only Por-
tugal has moved forward with
plans to buy the jet-powered

type. Ten months ago, the Portu-
guese government opened nego-
tiations with Embraer to buy five
examples, with an option for a
sixth, but talks remain ongoing,
says KC-390 programme director
Paulo Gastão Silva.
Meanwhile, Embraer has a lot
of work still to do before it can
deliver the first production-
standard KC-390 by the end of
this year to the Brazilian air
force’s 11th Wing.
With only two flight test air-
craft delivered, if Embraer is to
achieve full operational capabili-
ty by 2019 it still has to conduct
“wet” refuelling missions, air-
drop heavy cargo loads and vali-
date the aircraft’s self-protection
systems, Gastão Silva says. ■

For insight and analysis of the latest de-
velopments in the defence sector, visit:

FIDAE 2018

A new wind is blowing in Latin America – particularly in
Chile. A right-wing government took office in Santiago in
March, replacing a left-wing incumbent which had shown
little appetite for large military acquisitions. It is still too
early to gauge how a regional tilt towards the right might
influence procurement priorities. But the world’s biggest
military contractors returned for the 19th FIDAE air show
near the Chilean capital, hoping to learn how the region’s
political shift could influence a long list of neglected re-
quirements. Show report by Stephen Trimble
Stephen Trimble/FlightGlobal

Brazilian company sent its first prototype for appearance at FIDAE

Stephen Trimble/FlightGlobal

The Mexican air force is one Latin American operator of the C-27J



Embraer sends reminder to Santiago

KC-390 flies in as Brazilian airframer awaits decision of returning president Piñera on Chile’s commitment to jet transport


hile’s next military aircraft
purchase could be a light air-
lifter. The Chilean government
published a request for informa-
tion for a light, fixed-wing trans-
port to replace at least two differ-
ent types now operated by its
army and air force, Eduardo
Munhos De Campos, marketing
and sales for Leonardo’s aircraft
division, tells FlightGlobal.
Leonardo, he says, responded
earlier this year with information

about its C-27J Spartan – a twin-
engined cargo aircraft featuring
the same avionics and engines as
the Lockheed Martin C-130J.
If the procurement moves for-
ward, Chile would replace Air-
bus Defence & Space C212s and
CN235s. The Chilean navy al-
ready operates the newer C295,
but Munhos de Campos points to
the C-27J’s growing fleet in the re-
gion, with Mexico and Peru now
operators of the type. ■


Leonardo offers light alternative

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