Scramble Magazine – April 2018

(nextflipdebug5) #1





Scramble 467

and the aircraft were then sold to Croatia. Transferred to the
Croatian side, the aircraft were in poor condition, had cracks
in the airframe, continue to leak oil, navigation systems
were not working, and the actual residual life amounted to
no more than 100-200 flight hours, instead of the 850 hours
that were requested in the contract. In December 2016, two
employees of the Ministry of Defense of Croatia were accused
of accepting bribes from the Ukrainian state enterprise
UkrSpetsExport in return for assistance in closing the deal.
One out of the five MiG-21bis bought (serial 133) is not
being returned to Ukraine. This aircraft is believed to be the
original ex-Algerian AF MiG-21bis as stated in the technical
documents. The four falsified aircraft are seen as unsafe and
have been grounded. This leaves the Croatian Air Force with
only eight active MiG-21s.
Also the Croatian AF spent $12 million for a huge amount of
parts from Ukraine. According to individual military experts’
claims, a large amount of unnecessary parts were purchased.
But obviously this is not enough because the Air Force
Technical Center has launched a new supply of large spare
parts for MiGs according to unofficial information worth
about 20 million Kuna, and the query was sent to Ukraine as

We decided to use, as far as known, the c/n of the fuselage in
our database:
131 stored, cn 75038327 painted on 75019927
132 stored, cn 75038147 painted on?
134 stored, cn 75038399 painted on?
135 stored, cn 75038314 painted on 75003092


Ilmavoimat (AF)
HN-462 HävLLv 11 ex IlmaStk 1274/FND002 mar18


Luftwaffe (AF)
54+18 LTG62 ex Airbus Military mar18

54+19 Airbus Military f/n dbase 071 mar18
54+20 Airbus Military f/n dbase 074 mar18
54+21 Airbus Military f/n dbase 079 mar18
54+22 Airbus Military f/n dbase 081 mar18
54+23 Airbus Military f/n dbase 083 mar18
54+24 Airbus Military f/n dbase 085 mar18
84+17 scr. V65-015 oct12
30+71 TLG71 ex TLG73 GT019 mar18
31+25 TLG74 ex EADS mar18
76+15 HSG64 c/n update 20139 jul17
Tornado IDS(T)
45+13 TLG51 ex TLG33 535/GT049/4213 mar18
Heeresflieger (AR)
EDPR = Ingolstadt/Mänching
79+51 THR10 ex Airbus heli. mar18
79+52 Airbus heli. f/n dbase feb18
78+19 IHAZ ex EDPR 1099/TGEA19 oct15
78+30 THR10 ex IHAZ TGEA30 mar18
78+32 THR10 ex IHAZ mar18
70+54 scr. ex THR30 8114


Aeronautica Militare (AF)
MM7350/36-55 936° GEA ex -/Leonardo IS076 feb18
Arma dei Carabinieri (PO)
MM62304/CC-1515 ex I-CFPA/CFS-181 1094
On 31 December 2016, the Corpo Forestale dello Stato
ceased to exist, with its approximately 7.800 members being
absorbed into the Carabinieri. The Corpo Forestale dello Stato
P180 gained MM62304 and (as not confirmed) CC-1515 code;

The Garda Air Support Unit is the aviation component of the Irish police. They operate two EC135Ts, both of which were seen at Baldonnel by
Eric Van Rossum. (256 & 272 EC135T, GASU, 21 March 2018)
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