Archaeologist Ash Matic reports on recent travels in
northern Papua New Guinea, including a visit to the
site of the former RAAF base at Tadji near the
township of Aitape.
n August 2017 I was fortunate enough to
be travelling as part of a small group
through the north of Papua New Guinea.
I was able to make a brief stop in the
township of Aitape during this time. As
many readers will be aware this is close to
the site of the former Tadji aerodrome, a site
of significance in the history of the RAAF
during W.W.II as it was from here that much
of the air support provided to Australian
ground forces participating in the Aitape-
Wewak Campaign was launched. Today, the
airfield and the associated relics that re-
main stand as a testament to those who took
the war to the Japanese in its later stages
from this remote pocket of the South-West
Pacific. As an archaeologist with a strong
interest in aviation heritage, it was my in-
tention to head out to the site and record
those objects while it was still possible.
History of Tadji Aerodrome
The aerodrome was initially established for
Imperial Japanese Army Air Force use in
early 1943. Much local labour was used to
to Tadji