Aviation History - July 2018

(Steven Felgate) #1


70 AH MAy 2018



Can you identify this
un-American airplane?
See the answer below.


  1. Who agreed with 1st Lt.
    Henry H. Arnold that a
    semi-autonomous air corps
    was premature in 1913?
    A. William Mitchell
    B. Benjamin Foulois
    C. Thomas DeWitt Milling
    D. Frank Lahm

  2. Which of Arnold’s future
    senior officers flew fighter
    missions during World War I?
    A. Louis Brereton
    B. Ira C. Eaker
    C. Claire L. Chennault
    D. Carl A. Spaatz

  3. Who did General Douglas
    MacArthur choose to
    command the Fifth Air
    Force in 1942?
    A. George C. Kenney
    B. James H. Doolittle
    C. Ira C. Eaker
    D. Curtis E. LeMay

  4. Which air forces were
    commanded by Jimmy Doo-
    little during World War II?
    A. Eighth
    B. Twelfth
    C. Fifteenth
    D. All of the above

  5. Which air force did Gen-
    eral Arnold originally intend
    to personally command?
    A. Eighth
    B. Fifteenth
    C. Twentieth
    D. None of the above

A. Consolidated Privateer
B. Avro Shackleton
C. Kawanishi H3K
D. Focke-Wulf Condor
E. Short Sunderland
F. Canadair Argus
G. Saunders-Roe London
H. Hawker-Siddeley Nimrod
I. Consolidated Catalina
J. Lockheed Orion


Match the maritime
reconnaissance plane
with the aircraft from
which it was derived.

  1. Bristol Britannia

  2. Saunders-Roe Severn

  3. Avro Lincoln

  4. Lockheed Electra

  5. Short Rangoon

  6. Consolidated Liberator

  7. Consolidated P2Y

  8. Focke-Wulf Kurier

  9. Short S.23 Empire

  10. de Havilland Comet
    . Learn more about it at HistoryNet.com/aviation-history Tokai Kyushu Q1W1 MYSTERY SHIP: ANSWERS:

1.A, 2.D, 3.A, 4.D, 5.B: HAP’S CHAPS A.6, B.3, C.5, D.8, E.9, F.1, G.2, H.10, I.7, J.4: SEA SNOOPERS

PBY-5 Catalina
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