Model Airplane International - June 2018

(lily) #1



overly confi dent in the strut assembly so I
dry-fi t each side to the main fuselage to allow
the sponson support strut to be in the correct
position later.
After drying, I detached both sponson
subassemblies and left them aside for detailing
later. This method ensured that the sponsons
could be detailed evenly and I also had an
unobstructed view of the main fuselage on
both sides for airbrushing and detailing that
area too.
Undercarriage assembly is straightforward.
The main undercarriage legs sit comfortable
inside three receiving points inside the
sponson units. Each main wheel sits snuggly
onto the undercarriage leg points. The detail
on the wheel hubs is beautiful, the only
complaint I have being that there is no raised
defi nition where the tyre meets the hub,
making painting more diffi cult, extra care was
later needed when painting these.
The tailwheel is tiny and both of mine broke
at some point or another. This is not a criticism
or fault of the kit, the reason they both broke
was entirely my own fault, but it is something
to be aware of. I would suggest attaching this
wheel as late as possible to the build.
If you want to have a winch system in place

then two are provided. They come in three
parts, I found the fi t a little challenging and
I was not overly happy with the girth of the
arms that hold the winching motor system
in place. For this reason I only attached it to
the US Navy example of my two builds. On
the Canadian example I fi lled the holes in the
fuselage where the winch system is positioned
above the door.
What’s really cool about this kit is the fact
you can build one or both of the kits with the
rotor and tail in folded position. I certainly
wasn’t going to miss the opportunity of doing
this with at least one of the builds, so I opted to
do it with the Canadian build.
The same parts are used for both the folded
and standard positions, which makes things
easy. I went ahead and attached the US Navy
tail as standard and I decided to keep the
Canadian tail aside for detailing later.
I had to decide at this point whether I
wanted to add an intake inlet shield, which is
optional too. I was building a precise and well-
documented US Navy example, which did not
carry one so I omitted the inlet shield here for
this build.
However, looking at the Canadian example
I could probably build this sea king with or

without the inlet shield. I decided to go with
the inlet shield, more to have a degree of
differences between the two builds than
anything else. I have photos of the Canadian
sea kings both carrying the inlet shield and
some earlier ones showing it to be missing.
The inlet shield itself is one piece, however
on quickly dry-fi tting it I discovered the earlier
problem of the raised canopy roof was causing
fi t problems here. I had to add a small piece
of plastic to fi ll a gap that existed underneath
the unit when fi tted. As the canopy roof glass
panels would have to be detailed fi rst, I put the
inlet shield aside for fi tting later.
I also decided to add the radome to the
upper fuselage spine. This is another option
in the kit that can be used with some of the
liveries offered in the instruction guide. I didn’t
have to add this, because from what I could
tell Canadian Sea Kings did not have these
mounted at fi rst. However, it is mounted in the
instruction guide and I have many photographs
of these radar domes being carried throughout
their service life. The dome is straightforward,
fi tting perfectly over the raised spine on the
back of the fuselage. I thought it would be
a nice feature and different to the US Navy

Cockpit assembled and
painted up, the detail is quite
generous for this scale.

Looking at this port side we can see how
much detail is present on the fuselage.

painted up.
Seat belts
are made
from Tamiya

overly confi dent in the strut assembly so I
dry-fi t each side to the main fuselage to allow

then two are provided. They come in three
parts, I found the fi t a little challenging and

Nose corrected with
fi ller and sanding, just
another coat of primer
needed now.

ONE, FOUR, FOUR 155.indd 14 04/05/2018 14:

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