Model Airplane International - June 2018

(lily) #1
Having dealt with WWII in 1:48, Mike
Williams then takes over to deal with that
confl ict in 1:32, taking a detailed look at
the brand-new Revell 1:32 P-51D Mustang.
Revell has something of a reputation for
creating cut-price kits in this scale and
this kit is no different, offering a cheaper
alternative to both the Tamiya and Zoukei-
Mura kits for modellers keen to build this
aircraft in this larger scale. Mike builds the
kit from the box to show you what you can
expect should you wish to tackle what is to
all intents and purposes, a very fi ne kit.
And if that wasn’t enough, Alan Kelley
takes a step into the modern arena with
his take on the Wingman Kfi r TC.2 Trainer.
Capturing the lines of this stunning looking

aircraft to perfection, Wingman’s resin and
plastic kit will push you skills to the limit, but
the results are more than worth the effort
with a replica to be proud of the pay-off for
all of you hard work.

We take a trip to the North East of England
to visit Sword & Lance 2018. One of our
favourite shows of the year, we hope that
you enjoy seeing some of the highlights from
the event as much as we enjoyed being
there in person!
So this is the June edition of Model
Airplane International. I hope you enjoy
this issue and I hope to see you again next
month! ■

IN THIS ISSUE 155.indd 3 04/05/2018 14:

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