Aviation Specials – June 2018

(ff) #1

94 The London Bus

of the cable cars
of Emirates Air
Line, which
crosses the
Thames from
here to Royal
Victoria Dock,
and which –
despite its name

  • is actually
    operated by
    Transport for
    London. And
    is a service of
    cable cars, not
    The 108 now
    heads south past
    the greenery of the Millennium
    Peninsula Ecology Park and
    the colourful dwellings of the
    Millennium Village – a modern
    development of low energy-
    use dwellings, and part of a
    broader government-inspired
    regeneration project.
    Weaving under the A2 dual
    carriageway, we enter a very
    different world of upmarket
    Victorian houses as we climb
    through the Vanbrugh Park
    area towards Blackheath. At the
    top of the hill we emerge into

a quaint area with a triangular
village green called Batley Park.
The spot is known colloquially as
Blackheath Royal Standard after
a large pub on one corner.
Continuing along the elegantly
suburban Stratheaden Road,
we cross Shooters Hill Road
and strike out over Blackheath
Common, a large open grassy
expanse surrounded by distant
Victorian housing. Then at the
far side we descend into the
pleasant and busy township of
Blackheath proper.

From here we head east along
further leafy suburban roads
until we start to descend past
terraced housing into the busy
urban centre of Lewisham.
The southern terminus of the
108 has recently been moved
a short way northwards from
Lewisham Centre, a major
shopping complex, to Lewisham
railway station, though during
my visit all southbound buses
still displayed ‘Lewisham
Shopping Centre’ as their
destination. ● PR

London by Bus

arena, built in 1999
as the Millennium

RIGHT: Citaro
MEC6 at
Blackheath station.

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