Airfix Model World – July 2018

(Ann) #1



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 Washing the parts in a warm, soapy bath is always recommended for resin kits especially,
to eradicate any mould release agent residue, which would hamper paint adhesion.

 All components were
numbered clearly on the
casting blocks. The resin
was quite thin in places
and prone to damage, such
as the armrests on these
passenger seats.

bear in mind though,
resin is always much
softer than styrene, and
removing too much will also
create fit issues.
As work began in the aircraft’s
cabin and cockpit, the quality
of the parts became apparent
quickly, not just in the excellent
level of detail, but in the precise
engineering of all parts. The
bullkheads for instance (parts
6, 9 and 11) slotted perfectly
into the recesses in the fuselage
halves, and a dry-run indicated
the wing would also align
perfectly and interlock with the
aforementioned partitions.
The cabin windows had to be
installed from the inside, and

 The contents of the kit box show the comprehensive scope of the model, which included
grey and clear resin parts, decals, photo-etched brass and white metal components.

Four components formed
the instrument panel
alone, including a tiny
resin compass.
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