Aviation Specials - July 2018

(ff) #1
cannons, ammunition, and personnel
for an artillery battery, haul Humvees or
light armored vehicles from ship to shore,
move fuel bladders to forward arming
and refueling points (FARPs), and recover
downed aircraft.
This latter capability, which falls under
the tactical recovery of aircraft and
personnel (TRAP) mission set, proved
especially relevant in Afghanistan, where
aircraft downed by anything from a
maintenance issue to enemy ground  re
could be lifted out of hostile or contested
territory by Marine Corps Stallions. Baxter

recalled one such recovery in which
he had the opportunity to participate.
‘In 2014, I got to lift a British Chinook in
Afghanistan. It took some rounds doing
a tactical operation and it lost its  ight
control systems, so they had to make an
emergency landing in Marjah.’ Having
briefed the recovery with the Chinook
 ight crew (who stripped down the
aircraft to reduce weight) and the ground
personnel from the UK Joint Helicopter
Support Squadron who prepared the
aircraft for sling-loading, Baxter and his
crew  ew to Marjah to pick the aircraft

We can move a heavy weapons company

with all their associated munitions and

mortars – that’s no problem for us. If we

wanted to, we could come in with a second

wave and bring in their vehicles

up. ‘It wound up being about 31,600lb,’ he
recalled. ‘It was a huge win, denying the
enemy a propaganda opportunity.’
Though not tasked primarily as a rescue
vehicle, the ‘Echo’ can be used to recover
downed airmen during TRAP missions.
This was the case in June 1995, when a
pair of CH-53s attached to the 24th Marine
Expeditionary Unit rescued air force
captain Scott O’Grady from deep within
enemy-held territory in Bosnia after his
F-16 was shot down by a Serbian surface-
to-air missile.
Along with the  exibility to carry a wide
variety of personnel and cargo across a
broad spectrum of mission sets, the ‘Echo’
has the ‘legs’ to reach almost any landing
zone it could conceivably be tasked to
deliver troops or equipment to. With
robust internal fuel capacity and standard-
 t external drop tanks, the CH-53E has
an unrefueled range of 641 miles. That
envelope can be expanded with the
addition of ferry tanks carried in the
cargo hold and through aerial refueling.
Practising the range extension technique

Large force
events are
during WTI,
including an
urban warfare


28-35 MAWTS-1 C.indd 30 31/05/2018 15:25

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