Time Sep

(Jeff_L) #1

2 TIMESeptember 3–10 2018

Illustration by Tim
O’Brien for TIME

4 |Conversation
6 |For the Record

The Brief
News from the U.S.
and around the world

7 |At theU. S.-
Mexico border
families remain
in limbo

10 |A resurgence
ofmeaslesin the
U.S. and Europe

13 |Remembering
Aretha Franklin

14 |TIME with...
defending U.S.
Open champion
Sloane Stephens

20 |Stargazing
in Vermont

The View
Ideas opinion
25 |Pope Francis
sexual abuse and
the future of the
Catholic Church

27 |Ian Bremmer
on the state of the
United Nations

30 |Susanna
Schrobsdorf on
older familyand
hard choices

31 |How to

32 |Jon Meacham
on the parallels
Nixon and

Time Of
What to watch
read see and do
99 |Troye Sivan
apop icon for the
digital generation

103 |New

104 |The
summer of the

106 |New
comedies satisfy
a craving

108 |9 Questions
for actorJason

All the President’s Men
After two top allies are found guilty in
court Trump’s presidency enters its most
treacherous phase yetBy Brian Bennett 34

Trade Warrior
Former Hillary Clinton ally Peter Navarro
is now Trump’s most inluential trade
adviserBy Molly Ball 42

On Afghanistan’s Front Line
A irsthand account of a Taliban onslaught
and the U.S. military’s response
By W.J. Hennigan 48

Firebrand of Brazil
Far-right presidential hopeful Jair
Bolsonaro wants to take his country back
By Matt Sandy 58

The Real Power of Fake Pills
A new method of placebo treatments gains
legitimacyBy Alexandra Siferlin 64

The World’s Greatest Places
100 destinations to experience now 71

VOL. 192 NO. 9–10 | 2018

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On Aug. 16
residents of
Ghazni view
during a recent
Taliban siege
Photograph by
Emanuele Satolli
for TIME


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