FlyPast – August 2018

(John Hannent) #1
August 2018August 2018 FLYPAST 49FLYPAST 49

Meanwhile, another fighter pilot
was lost when a Spitfire flown by
Lt Isadore M Seel crashed after
failing to recover from a spin
during a dogfight with Bf 109s.
An airfield engineer arrived on
the 19th and was soon at work on a
second landing ground at Lambi. An
airstrip 1,100 yards (1,005m) long
by 50 yards wide was ready by the
morning of the 21st and by nightfall
the width had been increased to
100 yards. It was an incredible feat,
accomplished under some very
trying conditions.
The construction of a second
strip, suitable for nocturnal
landings by Dakotas, relieved
some pressure from Antimachia,
although its use necessitated
ongoing maintenance.

In the Athens area there was
activity of a different kind as the
Luftwaffe increased its bomber
force. Regardless of Allied air
attacks against its airfields, the
Luftwaffe intensified efforts
against Kos during the last few
days of September.

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