Aviation Business – October 2018

(Tuis.) #1


http://www.aviationbusinessme.com October 2018 · AV I A T I O N B U S I N E S S 21

c While airports across the world are embracing change, it’s critical that current and future innovations are considered in the airport master planning process.

the industr y has clearly moved in a dif-
ferent direction from what was anticipat-
ed. How quickly will airport investments
of the future become redundant? Or, are
advances going to happen so quickly
that investors will just need to learn to
stomach the inevitable losses?

Heathrow or Hawaii
What will happen to airports if they do
indeed become a relic of the past? Let’s
consider Tom’s sister, Georgia, for a
moment. Georgia fundamentally disa-
grees with pollutant carbon emissions
produced from air travel yet loves to
holiday as much as her brother. She in-
stead chooses to visit the old stomping

ground of Heathrow that has now been
turned into a commercial hub and tour-
ist destination in its own right.
Selecting her preferred experience
as ‘island getaway’ upon entr y, Georgia
pops on a pair of VR sunnies before
hurtling down a water slide, swimming
in a warm, salty sea, enjoying a custom-
made Mojito, then revelling in a one-
hour Shiatsu massage. Georgia enjoys
all these treats in the comfort of a VR
chair over a few hours, before returning
home without a speck of sand irritating
her slick, inner city wardrobe.
First Airlines in Japan already offer
two-hour virtual experiences where
passengers can view the sights of Paris

in a purpose-built cabin that is particu-
larly popular with elderly or mobility-
restricted passengers. However, there
is much greater potential for different
sensor y experiences to be included,
as evidenced by Disney’s new immer-
sive experience that ‘could ultimately
change how theme parks operate’, mak-
ing airports themselves viable holiday
destinations of the future.
The need to travel will certainly never
disappear, yet the way we travel, our ex-
pectations and customer experiences will
fundamentally change over time. Gone
will be the days of taxis versus parking,
interminable queuing, lousy fast food and
sketchy Wi-Fi. For this, we have to at least
in part thank the millennials, whose ex-
pectations and demand for a better airport
experience are driving these innovations.
Aurecon’s award-winning blog, Just
Imagine provides a glimpse into the
future for curious readers, exploring
ideas that are probable, possible and
for the imagination.

This is a distinct future prospect made

possible by vertical take-off and landing (VTOL)

technology that will see Uber launch flying

taxis, expanding on the already available

UberChopper at Dubai International Airport.”

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