Aviation Business – October 2018

(Tuis.) #1


http://www.aviationbusinessme.com October 2018 · AV I A T I O N B U S I N E S S 37

[1] For sponsorship enquir-
ies for the AVB Awards,
please contact:

Inders Lyall
Sales Manager
Telephone: +971 4 444 3317
Email: [email protected]

[2] For editorial enquiries
for the AVB Awards,
please contact:

Alexander Sophoclis Pieri
Editor, Aviation Business
Telephone: +971 4 444 3305
Email: [email protected]

[3] For table bookings and
further information on the
AVB Awards, please contact:

Lacie Curtis
Table Sales Executive
Telephone: +971 4 444 3223
Email: [email protected]


How long have the Aviation
Business awards been running?
Launched in 2007, this is the 12th
edition of the AVB Awards.

Who can win the awards?
Any company involved in avia-
tion can win an award, be they
suppliers, airlines, airports or
service providers. The dead-
line for nominations has now
passed, but companies can still
attend the awards ceremony
to enjoy the gala and network
with others in the industry.

What is the dress code?
Business attire/national dress.

Do I need to book a ticket? How?
All attendees must book and pay
for their tickets in order to attend.
Visit: aviationbusinessme.com/

This year’s event is expected to be a celebration of the best avi-
ators, those who was able to stand through the turbulent times
and succeed despite the unfavourable economic climate.”

VITO GOMES, Founder and CEO of Aviation Services Management (ASM).

Olympus Scientific Solutions Division, is the trustworthy re-
gional partner bringing into the Middle East, Turkey and Africa re-
gion an industry-leading portfolio of innovative solutions includ-
ing but not limited to testing, measurement and imaging instru-
ments. We are committed to providing value to the aviation indus-
try, through our leading edge technologies which include remote
visual inspection, microscopy, non-distractive testing and analyti-
cal instrument solutions.

ALBERT ALTERJMAN, Regional Division Manager, Middle East, Africa and
Turkey, Olympus Scientific Solutions

The Aviation Business Awards are now widely recognised as
the most prestigious senior level accolades for individual and
corporate achievement in the GCC aviation sector and beyond.
Dunleavy White is honoured to be associated with these
coveted awards.”

RICK WHITE, Managing Partner, Dunleavy White.

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