Topology in Molecular Biology

(ff) #1

176 V.M. Buchstaber

An (autonomous)dynamic systemon a manifoldMis a smooth vector field
ξonM. In terms of the local coordinates{xjα}onM, a dynamical systemξ
gives rise to the system of (autonomous)ordinary differential equations

x ̇jα=ξj(x^1 α,...,xnα).

The solutions of this system are called theintegral curvesorintegral trajecto-
riesof the dynamical system. Therefore, an integral trajectory is a curveγ(t)
onMwhose velocity vector ̇γ(t) coincides withξ(γ(t)) for allt.

Theorem 3.A closed connected smooth manifoldMadmits a non-vanishing
tangent vector fieldξif and only if its Euler characteristic equals zero.

Corollary 1.
(a) The torusT^2 is the only orientable surface admitting a non-vanishing
tangent vector field.
(b) The Klein bottleK^2 is the only non-orientable surface with a non-vanishing
vector field.


I cordially thank Natalia Dobrinskaya, Taras Panov, and my wife Galina for
their great help in preparing these notes for publication.


  1. Victor M. Buchstaber, Taras E. Panov,Torus Actions and Their Applications
    in Topology and Combinatorics, University Lecture, vol. 24 (American Mathe-
    matical Society, Providence, RI, 2002)

  2. Sergei P. Novikov,Topology I, Encyclopaedia Mathematical Science, vol. 12
    (Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 1996)

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