Subjectivity and Otherness A Philosophical Reading of Lacan

(Tuis.) #1

  1. M. Safouan, Lacaniana: Les séminaires de Jacques Lacan, 1953–1963(Paris: Fayard, 2001 ), p.13 5.

72 .Le séminaire livre V,p. 364.

  1. Ibid., pp.363‒364.

  2. See ibid., pp.364‒365. “Want-to-be” is the translation of “manque-à-être” that Lacan him-
    self proposed.

  3. Ibid., p. 367.

  4. Ibid. (emphases added). The same point is elaborated in a more convoluted fashion in
    “The Signification of the Phallus,” where Lacan seems to suggest that desire is both beyond
    demand and withinit (Écrits: A Selection,pp.286‒287).

77 .Le séminaire livre V,pp.367‒368.

  1. On the “masking” of desire, see especially ibid., pp.319‒327.

  2. See Le séminaire livre X,p. 80.

80 .Le séminaire livre V,p. 382.

  1. Ibid., p. 330.

  2. Seminar IX, lesson of February 21 , 19 62.

  3. Ibid.

  4. Safouan, Lacaniana,p. 231.

  5. Seminar VI, lesson of May 13 , 1959.

  6. Seminar VI, lesson of May 27 , 1959.

  7. Seminar VI, lesson of November 12 , 1958.

  8. Ibid.

  9. Seminar VI, lesson of May 13 , 1959.

  10. Ibid.

  11. Ibid.

  12. Seminar VI, lesson of November 12 , 1958.

  13. Seminar VI, lesson of May 20 , 1959.

  14. Such an interval is yet another elaboration of the distinction between the subject of the
    statement and the subject of the enunciation. It goes without saying that demand can
    also be expressed “mentally”; therefore being-in-the-interval should not ingenuously
    be understood as the “silent” subject....

  15. Seminar VI, lesson of May 20 , 1959.

  16. See especially Seminar VI, lesson of June 3 , 1959.

  17. “Lacan brings back the cut, the gap, into the One itself ”; this One-with-a-gap is to be
    opposed to both the notion of “One-substance” and to that of “radical Otherness.” See
    S. Zˇizˇek, Organs without Bodies: Deleuze and Consequences(London: Routledge, 2004 ), p. 33.

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