Combat aircraft

(Amelia) #1

has become a mainstay of
combat operations for the
past two decades, being
worked hard in the skies
over Afghanistan, Iraq,
Syria, and Libya as well as supporting
the Continuous Bomber Presence in
the Paci c. It has developed into a
very useful all-round conventional
precision striker.
Dyess AFB is one of two B-1 main
operating bases, with no fewer than 40
of the sleek machines to be found at
the western Texas station. Adjacent to
the two large complexes of the 9th and
28th Bomb Squadrons here, and slightly

further down the massive Dyess  ight
line, is a much smaller building. The
work undertaken inside has played an
instrumental part in making the B-1 the
combat-proven workhorse of the 21st
century that it has become.
The 77th Weapons Squadron (WPS,
pronounced ‘whips’) and 337th Test
and Evaluation Squadron (TES) share
this facility. Each unit uses half of the
building, with a large ops desk in the
center, dividing the structure into two
equal sides. At  rst glance it would seem
as though there is little ‘crossbreeding’
between the two. However, that
appearance is super cial. It is the close
working relationship between them that

makes the arrangement so e ective and
Lt Col Jaime Hernandez is the
337th Test and Evaluation Squadron
commander. ‘Our guys are experienced
instructor pilots or WSOs [weapons
systems operators]. They’ve come from
the operational squadrons and it’s the
guys in those squadrons that are going
to use what we’re testing. We  gure out
how to break this stu , which is a rough
term, but we put [the new equipment]
into an environment in which it is going
to be used. We want to  y it, use it,
and abuse it, just like an aircrew in the
combat bomb squadrons is going to
do — not just in a training environment,
but in a real-world operational combat
environment. Everything we do here is
operationally [representative] of what
the units that will be using it do, and
we can see if it meets the operational
‘The other part of what we do is
develop TTP — tactics, techniques, and
procedures. We develop the academics
so that the operational crews know
how to use this new widget that we’re

Despite a plan to retire the B-1B Lancer earlier than anticipated,
the US Air Force is continuing with several initiatives to keep the
bomber relevant. Following on from our coverage of Lancer deep
maintenance last month, Combat Aircraft looks at the testers who
are keeping the B-1 at the top of its game.


30 June 2018 //^

30-35 B1 Weapons Test C.indd 30 19/04/2018 15:42

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