Healthcare Radius – December 2018

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Technology led Disruption, IOMT, Tele-Medicine & Remote

Care is the way forward in Healthcare delivery for India


ow India manages her healthcare challenges
is going to influence the world. All eyes are on
her, as Indian government hastens to meet
existing gap & growing demand for health
services through its Ayushman Bharat scheme!
We face unique problems with a huge population &
our geriatric population (aged over 60+) now at 100+
million is expected to be 325 million by 2050. Chronic
diseases increasing rapidly in aging population due to
sedentary lifestyles, diet changes & obesity will cripple
our economy. By 2040, there will be an estimated 70 mil-
lion diabetics in India.
With rapid urbanization & increasing women participa-
tion in workforce, people are not able to give necessary
time & attention to elders at home. Remote Healthcare or
Home-based healthcare is the ideal way for care in such
Internets of Medical
Things (IOMT) & cloud
technology have evolved
sufficiently to take the
next logical step where we
provide quality care in the
homes of the patients & in
remote rural areas instead
of moving the patient to
alien urban centre of ex-
cellence unnecessarily.

Disruption with Technology
Healthcare delivery model in India will shift focus from
big urban hospitals, clinics, doctor-centric approach to
independent advanced medical equipment based delivery
models. These medical equipment will be endowed with
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning based diagnosis,
monitoring & guided protocols to take care of majority of
Indian population (70% of underserved now). Primary care
physicians will be on telemedicine with staff trained to
carry out highly specific tasks working as their surrogates
right next to patient's bed. Point of Care services at homes
will be the rule for primary care & basic secondary care
services. Hospitals will be for advanced secondary care,
tertiary care & quaternary care services, reducing burden
on our exchequer.
Skanray Technologies Pvt Ltd is a global medtech com-
pany with international quality certifications. Skanray’s
sister company Skancare Wellness Pvt Ltd provides total
solution for Tele-ICU & Home care through sustainable

healthcare model using innovative technologies.
Skancare is making healthcare accessible through its
R&D & Manufacturing centre for IT Enabled Healthcare
Solutions & a nodal centre for creating infrastructure
for remote healthcare delivery which can potentially be
scaled up to enable access to healthcare for millions of
people across the country , generating rural employment &
skilling people in healthcare industry.
Skancare leverages from the years of experience
Skanray has in the field of design & manufacturing of
medical devices. Strict adherence to international quality
& regulation requirements ensures products are robust
& reliable. Extensive validation protocols ensure that
operator could never go wrong with the product. Leaving
the comfort zone of controlled environment, a remote
monitoring device has to withstand tough conditions of
electrical, mechanical & natu-
ral environment. By bringing
ruggedness & ergonomics
into the design, Skanray en-
sures its products shall take
any such challenge. Every
product designed at Skanray
undergoes stringent verifi-
cation & validation process,
both in-house & at external
test facilities to make sure
that it is ready when time
comes. Networking interfaces
& interoperability protocols like HL7 are used to web up
all the devices to the cloud while respecting privacy re-
quirements of protected health information. This further
opens up a whole new era of healthcare delivery where
proactive care becomes the standard.
Ayushman Bharat - Focus on Public Healthcare Delivery
must shift from treating diseases to keeping population
healthy & enhancing quality of life. Now is an opportune
time for remote healthcare to transform the healthcare eco-
system in the country by leveraging the use of technology.
PS: Technology driven disruptions are already making
inroads into healthcare sector but we need to look for
1) government policy & 2) profitability1)1)) gggovoverernmnmenentt popo
About Author: Dr Jagadish J Hiremut is a practic-
ing doctor & an Intensivist. He is the consultant
Medical Director for Clinical Applications & Ad-
vanced Medical Technology in Skanray Technolo-
gies Pvt Ltd; the home grown Multinational Medi-
cal equipment company based out of Mysore.
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