Healthcare Radius – December 2018

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  1. Security is a
    major concern for
    any healthcare
    data, especially
    when it’s about an
    individual infected
    by a communicable


n today’s globalised world, disease
outbreaks do not stop at national
borders. A health threat anywhere is
a health threat everywhere. Efforts
taken by the United Nations (UN), World
Health Organization (WHO) and Centre
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
in conjunction with the healthcare efforts

taken up by various Governments,
NGOs, research institutions, pharma
companies and others have managed
to reduce the impact of communicable
diseases and as per the 2016 WHO data,
lower respiratory tract infection is the
only communicable disease that features
in the list of top 10 diseases causing death,

Ensuring security

Estimates suggest that 10% of the global GDP to be stored
using blockchain by 2027



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