Invasive Stink Bugs and Related Species (Pentatomoidea)

(Tuis.) #1

Murgantia histrionica (Hahn) 335

6.3 Life History

The life cycle of Murgantia histrionica has been studied by several investigators (e.g., Riley 1872, 1884;
Howard 1895; Sanderson 1903; Chittenden 1908, 1920; Smith 1909; Paddock 1915, 1918; Brett and
Sullivan 1974). It is multivoltine, with estimates of the number of complete generations ranging from
three to eight in the South (Howard 1895; Paddock 1915, 1918; Chittenden 1908, 1920) and two to five
in the North (Howard 1895; Sanderson 1903; Chittenden 1908, 1920) with adults overwintering, usually






FIGURE 6.1 (See color insert.) Murgantia histrionica immatures, adults, and damage. A, egg cluster; B, second instars;
C, fifth instars on cabbage; D, mating pair; E, damage on collards, Painter, Virginia. (Images A, C, and D: courtesy of
Thomas P. Kuhar; B: courtesy of Sam E. Droege, USGS, Beltsville, Maryland; and E: courtesy of Anthony S. DiMeglio,
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg).

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