Invasive Stink Bugs and Related Species (Pentatomoidea)

(Tuis.) #1

Diapause in Pentatomoidea 559

Long-day diapause: facultative summer diapause induced under long-day conditions in early or
mid-summer in the Northern Hemisphere. In laboratory, such diapause usually can be induced
under photoperiodic conditions with photophase longer than 12 hours of light
Long-day photoperiodic response: see Long-day type photoperiodic response of diapause induction
Long-day type photoperiodic response of diapause induction: photoperiodic response that induces
active physiological state under long-day conditions and facultative diapause under short-
day conditions; a typical photoperiodic response in populations that have facultative win-
ter diapause and multivoltine seasonal development. Synonym: Long-day photoperiodic
Long-winged adults: adults with fully developed wings. Wing length may be controlled genetically (see
Wing polymorphism) or environmentally (see Wing polyphenism). Synonym: Macropterous
adults, Macroptery. Antonyms: Short-winged adults, Brachypterous adults, Brachyptery
LDT: see Lower development threshold
Lower development threshold: species- or ontogenetic-stage-specific temperature below which growth
and development (i.e., morphogenesis) do not take place. Synonym: Development(al) thresh-
old. Abbreviation: LDT
Macropterous adults: see Long-winged adults
Macroptery: see Long-winged adults
Maintenance subphase: subphase of diapause phase during which the endogenous developmental
arrest persists regardless of environmental conditions
Maternal care: see Parental care
Maternal instinct: see Parental care
Migration: complex form of movement of individuals and populations characterized by the following
parameters: (1) it is persistent; (2) it is straightened out; (3) it is undistracted by resources that
would ordinarily halt it; (4) there are distinct departing and arriving behaviors; and (5) energy
is reallocated to sustain it; not all migrants display all of these characteristics all of the time,
but most will display most of them at least part of the time during which they are migrating;
migrations often happen seasonally (Dingle 1996). See Seasonal migrations
Monovoltine seasonal cycle: see Univoltine seasonal cycle
Monovoltinism: see Univoltinism
Multivoltine seasonal cycle: seasonal cycle typical for multivoltine seasonal development. Synonym:
Polyvoltine seasonal cycle
Multivoltine seasonal development: type of seasonal development with completion of two or more
generations during the vegetative season or year; in the last seasonal generation, facultative
winter diapause is formed
Multivoltinism: type of seasonal development with multivoltine seasonal cycle. See Multivoltine
seasonal development
Night length: duration (in hours and minutes) of the night (i.e., dark) part of daily cycle (i.e., scoto-
phase). Antonym: Day length
Nondiapause development: see Direct development, Active physiological state, and Active seasonal
Nymphal diapause: diapause at the nymphal (i.e., larval) stage, typically manifests itself as arrested
metamorphosis (i.e., absence of molting to the next nymphal or adult stage). Synonym: Larval
Obligate: by necessity; genetically determined; something that should not be induced. See Obligate
diapause. Synonym: Obligatory. Antonym: Facultative
Obligate diapause: diapause in which initiation needs no external signal or cues because it represents
a fixed component of the ontogenetic program that is realized regardless of the environmental
conditions in each generation; one of two forms of diapause. Antonym: Facultative diapause
Obligatory: see Obligate
Oligopause: form of dormancy with less intensive suppression of development than diapause
Overwintering: process of passing winter season with all associated unfavorable conditions (e.g., cold
and/or subzero temperatures, ice, snow, and limited food availability)

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