Invasive Stink Bugs and Related Species (Pentatomoidea)

(Tuis.) #1

798 Insects and Spiders Index

edessae, 275
euschisti, 228, 275, 339, 341, 342, 345
flavipes, 267
halyomorphae (syn. of Trissolcus japonicus), 266
hullensis, 228, 275
hyalinipennis, 227, 228, 230
itoi, 267, 276
japonicus, 266, 267, 276, 278, 308
latisulcus, 307
mitsukurii, 267, 276, 402
mopsus, 478, 483–485
murgantiae (syn. of Trissolcus brochymenae), 339,
341, 342
plautiae, 267
podisi (syn. of Trissolcus euschisti), 339, 341, 342
suranus, 478, 483
teretis, 439
thyantae, 275
urichi, 439, 705
utahensis, 275
Tr ito m ega s
bicolor, 503, 538
Trochiscocaria, 98, 99
Trochiscocoris, 62, 98, 99
hemipterus, 502, 506
Troilu s, 598
Tropicaria, 30
Tropicoraria, 30, 81
Tropicorini, 110
Tropicoris, 109
Tropicorypha, 76
minister, 127
servus, 127
Tropicorypharia, 30, 76
True bug, 4, 294, 371, 373, 486, 498, 501, 502, 527, 531,
535, 537–539, 567, 572, 582, 588, 590, 592, 596,
597, 613, 617, 629, 678, 679, 742, 755
Tsetse fly, 655, 746
Tshibalaka, 114
Tshingisella, 123, 124
Turr ubula na, 101
Twospotted stink bug, 504, 592
Tylospilus, 55, 598
Tynacantha, 598
marginata, 680
Tyoma, 70, 71
cryptorhyncha, 71, 188
verrucosa, 71
Tyoma group, 100, 104
Tyomana, 70, 71
Typhodytes, 227
Tyrannocoris, 598


Uddmania, 10 9, 113, 114
Udonga, 88, 93
montana, 89

Umgababa, 87
Urochela, 137
luteovaria, 138, 649
quadrinotata, 138, 529, 649
Urolabidina, 30
Urostylidae, 137
Urostylididae, 31, 33, 47, 127–129, 137, 138, 194, 649, 654,
655, 657, 658
Urostylina, 30
Urostylinae, 30
annulicornis, 194, 649
striicornis, 138, 649
westwoodii, 138, 649, 655, 657, 658
horvathianus, 195
Utheria, 102

Variegated coffee bug, 466
Vedalia beetle, 734
Ventocoris, 123, 124
trigonum, 119
Vespidae, 9, 255, 704, 707
maculifrons, 704, 707
Veterna, 76, 105
pugionata, 188
Veterna group, 76, 100, 105, 106
Vidada, 107
Vilpianus, 123, 124
Vitellus, 96
Vitruvius, 110
insignis, 110, 193
Vulsirea, 79
violacea, 189

Weda, 122, 123
parvula, 119
stylata, 119
Weevil, 5, 399, 440, 645, 655, 734, 738, 740, 746
West Indian fruit fly, 743
Western corn rootworm, 738
Western tarnished plant bug, 739
Wheat stink bug, 504
Whiteflies, 229, 308, 742
White-margined burrower bug, 503
White-spotted stink bug, 520
Wooly apple aphid, 733

Xiengia, 48, 109
elongata, 109
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