Invasive Stink Bugs and Related Species (Pentatomoidea)

(Tuis.) #1

808 Plants Index


Iberis, 215
aquifolium, 253
paraguariensis, 432
Indian beech tree, 303
Indian mustard, 211, 214, 219, 220, 225, 344
Indian paintbrush, 393
Indigo, 216, 302, 388, 428, 431
Indigofera, 302, 388, 428, 431
endecaphylla, 433
hirsuta, 302, 433
suffruticosa, 433
truxillensis, 433
Invasive witchhazel, 253
batatas, 301, 386
purpurea, 386
arborea, 336


Japanese flowering cherry, 254
Japanese larch, 253
Japanese maple, 251
Japanese pagoda tree, 254
Japanese persimmon, 252
Japanese privet (= Wax-leaf privet), 253
Japanese pumpkin, 386
Japanese radish, 225
Japanese rose, 582
Japanese snowbell, 255
Japanese stewartia, 255
Japanese wisteria, 304
Japanese yew, 255, 260
Jasmine, 470
abyssinicum, 472
Jerusalem artichoke, 383
Jicama, 303
Jimson weed, 338
Jitomate, 394
Job’s tears, 391
Johnson grass, 217, 305
Jointed charlock, 216
Juglandaceae, 304, 307, 390, 395
Juglans, 307
nigra, 253
Juniperus, 386, 396
virginiana, 253
Jute, 304


Kahi (= Kans grass), 217
Kale, 10, 214, 219–221, 223, 224, 334, 337, 338,
340, 344
Kans grass (= Kahi), 217

Ka ntola, 216
Katsura tree, 252
Kentucky (American) yellowwood, 252
Key lime, 393
Kidney bean, 11, 303, 316, 388
Knol khol, 215
Knotweed, 218, 392
paniculata, 253
Kohlrabi, 215, 334
Korean euodia (= Bee-bee tree), 255
Korean hackberry, 252
Korean stewartia, 255
Korean sun pear, 254
Kousa dogwood, 252
Kudzu, 7, 10, 294, 295, 297–300, 303, 306, 309, 310,
312–315, 318–321, 662, 664, 665
Kumquat, 393

Labiatae (syn. of Lamiaceae)
Lablab bean, 299, 300, 302, 316
purpureus, 299, 302, 433
purpureus var. lignosus (syn. of Lablab purpureus)
sativa, 213, 214, 307, 383
indica, 253
Lamb’s quarters, 214, 385
Lamiaceae, 81, 85, 390, 395
amplexicaule, 390
Lanceleaf crotalaria, 387, 431, 435
Lantana, 394
Lantana, 394
Large-leaf dogwood, 252
kaempferi, 253
leptolepis (syn. of Larix kaempferi)
latifolius, 388
Lauraceae, 434
Leaf beet, 385
Leafy wildparsley, 253
Leavenworth’s goldenrod, 384
Legumes, 10, 79, 95, 126, 264, 267, 294, 295, 300, 316, 317,
426, 428, 431, 435, 437–439, 618, 620, 621, 623
Leguminosae (syn. of Fabaceae)
Lemon, 393
culinaris, 302, 433
esculenta (syn. of Lens culinaris)
Lentil, 11, 302, 388
alyssoides, 210, 215
capense, 215
latifolium, 215
virginicum, 385
Lespedeza, 302, 303, 307
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