Scale aviation modeller international

(Tuis.) #1
One crucial aspect behind the application of the
comprehensive decal suite was the demand to let
various items to set before applying follow-up items in a
time consumed but demanded layered approach

The final result of all my efforts saw a nice 1/72 scale replica of the
Kawasaki Ki-61-Id Tei resplendent in a colourful finish of retained
markings from the 244th Sentai combined with the IJAAF’s Scheme
B3 mottled camouflage

Still possessing the kill markings achieved by the
renowned Captain Teruhiko Kobayashi, this by
May 1945 battle worn fighter was passed onto
2nd Lieutenant Shunzo Takashima from the 159th
Shinbu-tai special attack unit

been stripped of its ordnance
and all usable instrumentation
removed. And it would have
carried two 250 kg bombs
mounted underwing in place of
the auxiliary 200 litre drop tanks.
The base for this massive
decaling project was to be Tamiya
acrylics, with Bare Metal Silver
(AS-12) predominate and Flat
Aluminium (XF-16) wing control
surfaces. Flat Red (XF-7) was used
for the tail and Semi-Gloss Black
(X-18) for the anti-glare panel.
Red Brown (XF-64) was
used for the propeller.
Tamiya’s decals
are used in two
stages. I started with
the camouflage pattern decals,
covering the entire fuselage in
two halves and the upper wing
surfaces, even the radio antenna!
I was a bit worried about how
the decals would cope with the
fuselage shape, especially the
compound curves. But though

I imagined this was going to be
a stressful process, it actually
turned out to be trouble-free.
The principal camouflage
decals went down just fine, aided
by the application of Micro-Sol
and Set solutions. I strongly
recommended working in stages
and letting each stage dry
overnight before moving on,
especially when it comes to

overlying decals like the national
insignia and unit markings.
The decals also supply a large
number of stencils, tallies, and
markings, some of which are
extremely small, calling for fine
tweezers and magnification to

I found that all decals, from even the large two fuselage
halves and upper wing components, right down to the smallest
information tally, all went down just fine


022-27-JapWings-Tony-0718.indd 26 11/06/2018 13:54

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