Fly Past

(Ron) #1


Classic Wings owns all its aircraft, apart from the Spitfi re involved in formation fl ights and

rear-seat warbird rides. Commercial director Stuart Etheridge explained to FlyPast that
the fi rm also has its own engineering base. Almost total ownership and in-house technical

savvy are deemed essential by Classic Wings, to reduce the risk of customers being
disappointed due to unserviceability issues. Additionally, the fi rm has a fl ying school in

Clacton-on-Sea, but instruction is also available at Duxford with Cessna aircraft and here
more seasoned pilots can convert to ‘taildragger’ and full warbird status.

Experiences include fl ights in all types listed (right), but enthusiasts can also fl y wing-to-
wing with a Spitfi re while in a Dragon Rapide or Harvard, and special ‘de Havilland Double’

trips combine both Rapide and Tiger Moth excursions. Occasional Rapide fl ights with set
destinations (such as London or Norfolk) are also available. The aircraft are:

Tiger Moth PG657/G-AGPK
Tiger Moth DF112/G-ANRM
Tiger Moth RV922/G-APAO
Tiger Moth DE974/G-ANZZ
Dragon Rapide G-AIYR
Dragon Rapide G-AKIF
Dragon Rapide G-AIDL
Harvard Mk.IIb FE992/G-BDAM
Spitfi re TR.IX PV202/5R-H
Tel: 01223 837453

September 2018FLYPAST 127
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