Fly Past

(Ron) #1


* Overseas deliveries are likely to be after
this date.

In the next issue of FlyPast we shine our Spotlight on the Gloster Meteor, the fi rst British jet fi ghter
and the only Allied jet aircraft to undertake combat operations during World War Two. Nearly 4,000
examples of this pioneering machine were built – with some still airworthy today. The October issue will
be in UK shops on September 1, or see page 68 for our latest money-saving subscription offers.


130 FLYPAST September 2018

Costumed re-enactors pose
with Supermarine Spitfi re
Mk.I N3200 at IWM Duxford on
June 15 during a photography
workshop hosted by FlyPast
contributor Darren Harbar.
This aircraft fl ew from the
Cambridgeshire airfi eld with
19 Squadron in 1940 and was
shot down on May 26 of that
year. The Spitfi re was restored
to fl ying condition by ARC and
returned to the air in 2014,
before being donated to IWM
in 2015. Darren’s next RAF
Photography Day at Duxford
takes place on September 7.
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