FlyPast 01.2018

(Barré) #1

Sidewinder PubliShing ltd, 11 Sheridan CloSe, enderby, leiCeSter, le19 4Qw england.

Tel. 0845 095 0344 email. [email protected]

FREE Worldwide postage on all orders over £80, otherwise postage per order is £3 UK, £6 Europe, £10 Worldwide. Cheques payable to Sidewinder Publishing Ltd.

The crew of 460 Squadron Lancaster ED664 AR-A^2 prepare to release the brakes and head for Berlin, autumn 1943.

a Stunning new tribute to the Men oF raF boMber CoMMand

the original Painting iS now For Sale - 44" x 20" aCryliC on FrenCh linen £6500.

Single limited edition of just 200 fine art paper prints. Numbers 1-150 signed by the artist, £50. 30 Artist’s Proofs signed by the artist, £65.
Remarques available on request.
Overall size 71cm x 38cm (28′′ x 15′′) Image size 63cm x 29cm (25′′ x 11′′)

tiMe to go

“Every October I try to leave a space in my schedule
to paint an autumn scene as the low light and
autumnal colours provide such inspiration for any
artist. These scenes invariably end up as Bomber
Command subjects as the bleak dispersals scattered
around the English countryside fit the melancholy
atmosphere perfectly"
"Many Bomber Command veterans told me that
their nerves and fears faded a little once they were
inside the aircraft and doing their jobs; so it's this
moment I've tried to capture in this painting as
the brakes are released and seven young men leave the comforting safety of the
English landscape to head off into the night, where death was waiting for so many of
them. One of those veterans, Flight Engineer Ted Groom, flew much of his first tour in
ED664 so this is my own small tribute to my old friend Ted and his crew."

The Artist writes,

Free with eVery Print order!

our new 16 Page a4 Colour Catalogue

Featuring MarK'S art FroM the laSt 25 yearS

FREE Worldwide postage on all orders over £80, otherwise postage per order is £3 UK, £6 Europe, £10 Worldwide. Cheques payable to Sidewinder Publishing Ltd.


by Mark Postlethwaite GAvA


SMall Signed Print

'hoMe For ChriStMaS'

with eVery CoPy oF

'tiMe to go'
oFFer endS 1st January 2018

see website for more details.

“Every October I try to leave a space in my schedule
to paint an autumn scene as the low light and
autumnal colours provide such inspiration for any
artist. These scenes invariably end up as Bomber

English landscape to head off into the night, where death was waiting for so many of
them. One of those veterans, Flight Engineer Ted Groom, flew much of his first tour in

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