FlyPast 01.2018

(Barré) #1

20 FLYPAST January 2018

briefi ngs


The Vintage Aviation Museum
at Woods Cross, Utah, recently
acquired Lockheed PV-2 Harpoon
37276 (formerly N7272C).
The aircraft is currently in storage
at Johnson County Airport in
Buffalo, Wyoming, along with several

other dormant machines. A team from
the museum visited the site and is now
working on the aircraft’s twin rudders
at its base, near Salt Lake City. They’re
hoping to prepare the Harpoon for a
ferry fl ight to Utah in 2018. Subject to
funding, extensive restoration work will

then continue at the museum.
After being withdrawn from US
Navy service in 1954, the Harpoon
was stored at Litchfi eld Park, Arizona,
until acquired by John Rosenthal
in August 1957. The aircraft passed
through the hands of several civilian

owners and ended its fl ying days
as a crop-sprayer. It is believed to
have been grounded for at least
ten years. Those wishing to donate
to the project can do so via the
attraction’s website:

Harpoon to be returned to the sky in Utah

Lockheed PV-2 Harpoon 37276 is to be
restored by the Vintage Aviation Museum.

We salute you

AM Sir Peter Bairsto KBE CB AFC – Cold War fi ghter pilot and leader of 43
Squadron’s aerobatic team, later Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Strike
Command – died on October 24, aged 91; Wg Cdr ‘Bill’ Beaumont OBE AE – baled
out of a 355 Squadron Liberator over Burma and later commanded 3608
Auxiliary Squadron as a fi ghter controller – on September 26, aged 92; Sqn
Ldr Philip Brentnall DFC – fl ew 30 Lancaster ‘ops’ before a distinguished career
with BOAC and British Airways – on October 4; Ronnie Buckland DFC – pilot
who brought a crippled Halifax home despite being wounded, and went on to
complete 36 ‘ops’ – on September 25, aged 94; Sqn Ldr Noel ‘Red’ Dunningham

  • fl ew Meteors, Canberras and Victors during the Cold War during a remarkable
    32-year RAF career (see November issue) – in October, aged 95; AVM David
    Emmerson CBE AFC – fl ew Nimrods and commanded 206 Squadron during the
    Falklands confl ict – on October 28, aged 78; AVM D E ‘Ted’ Hawkins CB CBE
    DFC* – Catalina pilot who sank an Italian U-boat; later in charge of a Shackleton
    squadron before commanding Tengah and Lyneham – on October 23, aged
    97; Flt Lt Philip A Loweth – fl ew Hawker Hurricanes in the Battle of Britain
    with 249 Squadron – on September 7, aged 96; Flt Lt Geoff Packham – fl ew
    550 Squadron Lancasters and was shot down over Holland, becoming a POW
    at Stalag Luft 1; later a CAA fl ight inspector – on October 17, aged 95; Sqn Ldr
    Stuart Nigel Rose – one of The Few who fl ew 602 Squadron Spitfi res in the
    Battle of Britain – on September 10, aged 99; Flt Lt Ron Smyth DFC AE – fl ew
    Blenheims and Hurricanes during the Battle of Britain, later a Spitfi re
    photo-reconnaissance pilot with 541 Squadron – on October 26, aged 98.

Gloster Meteor NF.14 WS788 has been moved
under cover at Elvington’s Yorkshire Air
Museum so that restoration can continue over
the winter. The Armstrong Whitworth-built jet
is to be stripped and repainted, among other
tasks. The canopy has been removed so that
new glazing can be fi tted. GRAHAM BUCKLE

Yorkshire Meteor moved indoors

for winter

Bristol Freighter begins

journey to UK
Bristol Type 170 Freighter NZ5911 is pictured in Singapore on November 7. It will soon be
transported to the UK and will eventually be placed on display at Aerospace Bristol. The
museum will keep enthusiasts updated with its progress via:

Cessna 320D Skyknight N4173T, a long-time
resident at Turweston in Northamptonshire
has been sold to a new owner in Nigeria.
The 1965-built aircraft is pictured at
Turweston shortly before its departure to
Africa in early November. The US-registered
machine was scheduled to fl y to its new
home via Spain. PAUL J MORTON

The Argentine Air Force held an event at
Paraná, Entre Ríos, on October 26 to mark
40 years of the Learjet 35A in service.
All airmen who died in the line of duty
were remembered, and two fl ypasts were
performed by 35A T-26. Learjets fl ew in the
1982 Falklands War – one was shot down by
HMS Exeter, killing fi ve crew. ESTEBAN BREA
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