Scale Aviation Modeller International 08.2018

(Nora) #1
them down. The decals were
thin enough that I chose not to
apply an overall gloss coat.

The pre-painted etched flying
wires were now fixed in place,
using white glue to avoid marking
the paintwork. Care needs to
be taken in handling these to
avoid developing kinks.
Finally, the engine and cowl can
be attached and the scratchbuilt
access door hung on its hinges.

I really enjoyed this build, I have a
bit of a thing for 1930s racers and
I already had the old Testors kit
waiting to be built. But the finish
and engineering of this offering
from Dora Wings is far, far, superior.

There are no serious issues with the
build, although some care is needed
to get the best out of the masks.
I am now really hoping that Dora
Wings will extend their range - how
about a Travel Air Mystery Ship or
a Laird LC-DW-300 ‘Solution’?


  • Mendenhall C.A. And Murphy
    T. The Gee Bee Racers, A Legacy
    of Speed. ISBN 0-933424-05-1

  • Mendenhall C.A. The Air
    Racer. ISBN 0-933424-01-9

The cowl locates directly onto the engine through lugs that fit around the cylinder heads



072-77-FEAT-CIVIL-0818.indd 77 12/07/2018 11:48

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