FlyPast 02.2018

(WallPaper) #1

at Béthune was] bombed by
The 15 Squadron Operational
Record Book says that a factory
was attacked at Labuissière but “the
bombs unfortunately overshot the
mark”. This cross-Channel ‘hop’
took exactly three hours.
An English newspaper reported:
“13-8 In Day Air Swoop: Heavy

bombers of the RAF, escorted by
fighters, made a daring daylight
raid yesterday on a power station
near Béthune, northern France.
The target was hit by heavy bombs.
During the operation 13 enemy
fighters were destroyed, one by a
bomber and 12 by the escort. Eight
of our fighters are missing, but the
pilot of one is safe.”

For his eighth ‘op’ Barron took
part in a daring single-bomber raid
on marshalling yards at Bielefeld,
north Detmold, Germany, on the
night of August 12/13, 1941. For
this sortie of 6 hrs, 15 mins, Wg
Cdr Ogilvie was again in command
and Barron second pilot.
Ogilvie had come up with the

“Barron took comfort in the knowledge that he was not alone with
his fears. He sought the companionship and trust of his own crew,
always concerned about their welfare and safety”

Top and below
Action shots of 15
Squadron Stirlings fl anked
by Hurricanes fl ying
through fl ak, snapped
from an accompanying
Stirling on a daylight
‘Circus’ raid into France,
July 9, 1941.

February 2018 FLYPAST 29
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