92 FLYPAST February 2018
production of both the Hawker
Hunter and Swift and other fighter
aircraft, as well as a description of
its successes (largely the V-bomber
programme and the Canberra).
There was also a forward look aimed
at modernising the system by which
complex military aircraft were to be
developed and procured in the future.”
Development of the Javelin,
designed to intercept Soviet nuclear-
armed bombers and regarded as “our
most important aircraft after the
V-bombers”, was fundamental to the
strategic defence of the UK. Since it
was an Allied asset, stationed in West
Germany, procurement of 300 of the
427 Javelins produced for the RAF
was financed by the USA, but that
funding stopped in 1956.
As the Minister of Supply noted, the
so-called ‘Thin-Wing’ Javelin might
“never become a satisfactory fighting
machine” unless more money was
spent on development, and at the cost
of a “serious delay”.
During this period there were 26
active research projects, costing just
under £500 million (£0.5 billion); out
of a total aircraft spend of £34 billion.
This had little negative effect on the
strategic bomber programme, as this
protracted development was in step
with building the atomic bomb.
But the impact on UK fighters
was more serious. First, it delayed
development of supersonic concepts.
Secondly, when the UK was involved
in a serious shooting war, its fighters
were inferior to both its allies and its
By 1956 the Ministry of Supply
was openly considering how it might
encourage the growth of “larger
technical teams”. Weaker firms with
a record of poor performance were
classed as “candidates for relegation”
through “selective allocation of
Nuclear retaliation
On January 24, 1957, Macmillan
announced that he had entrusted
By 1956 the Ministry of Supply
was openly considering how it might
The prototype AW The prototype AW
Argosy civilian Argosy civilian
freighter G-AOZZ freighter G-AOZZ
is rolled out at is rolled out at is rolled out at is rolled out at
Bitteswell, near Bitteswell, near
Rugby, ready for Rugby, ready for
its fi rst fl ight on its fi rst fl ight on
January 8, 1959. January 8, 1959.
The military airlifter The military airlifter
version was a version was a
benefi ciary of the benefi ciary of the
Sandys ‘Central Sandys ‘Central
Reserve’ concept.Reserve’ concept.
The fi rst prototype The fi rst prototype
of Hawker’s forward-of Hawker’s forward-
thinking P.1121 under thinking P.1121 under
construction at its construction at its
Richmond Road Richmond Road
site, Kingston upon site, Kingston upon
Thames. Thames.
“Fighter Command could not achieve its
purpose in the nuclear age and, therefore,
had no part to play in the emerging type of
global war”