106 australiancountry.net.au
the Wilsons run about 500 head of their prized
cattle and grow wheat, barley, lentils and beans.
A stone former meat house in the grounds
has been lovingly restored and now serves as a
showcase for all the Wilsons’ show prizes and
farm artefacts that have been uncovered in
various sheds or dug up from the garden. The
building dates to the farm’s original settlement
more than a century ago and is a centrepiece
for entertaining during on-farm sales and other
industry events.
Honouring the past is important to the
Wilsons and their pride in their home and life’s
work both in the garden and the paddock is
evident at every turn.
“I’m very happy with the way everything
has grown together,” Marilyn says. “I like the
way the foliage runs from dark green to limes,
greys and silvers. The fl owers may die off , but
there’s foliage colour year-round and it’s a great
buff er zone for the rest of the farm. I used to
threaten to keep going down to the lake, but
that idea has gone with the harsh summers
we’ve been having in recent years. Better now to
concentrate on what we’ve already established
and keeping that at its best.”
from right:
Ionic columns
frame the veranda
and views of
the front lawn;
lavender thrives in
this environment;
swathes of freesias
have turned the
local cemetery into a
must-visit atrraction.