thanks for
being in touch.
readers' letters
Last issue generated
lots of feedback
from our readers.
And th e winners are ...
Carolyn Hale and Margaret Mitchell,
who win copies of Kim Storey’s beautiful book,
What Does a Farmer Look Like?
the Marulan Garden Club, I am always on the lookout
for gardens. Imagine my surprise to enter (free) this
wonderful garden owned by an elderly couple who
have built it up over the past 15 years after buying an
old bank building that had been vacant for many years.
There are several interesting old items in this garden
and some of the best roses I have seen.
Carolyn Hale, Marulan NSW
Ed’s note: Thanks for the heads up about the joys of
Jerilderie. We look forward to visiting soon.
Thanks for being in touch. We
welcome your feedback. We appreciate
your thoughts and in each issue, one
correspondent wins a prize. Email Kirsty
at [email protected] or write to
us at Australian Country, Locked Bag 154,
North Ryde NSW 1670. We reserve the
right to edit lengthy letters before
publication. Our favourite correspondent
next issue will win a 100 per cent
Australian beeswax candle from
Canberra beekeepers Honey & Glow.
Just tell us about your favourite story or
feature or make a suggestion to be in the
running to win this wonderful prize.
Prize surprise
It was a nice surprise to open the mail and receive
the Tesalate towel for our feedback on Australian
Country. We enjoy delving into each issue. It then
sits on our coff ee table for visitors to enjoy as well.
Mike & Patricia Smith, Norwood SA
Top-End inspiration
Thanks so much for your story on the Top End
of the Northern Territory. Those stunning sunset
shots were reason alone to put the region at the
top of my travel bucket list.
Margaret Mitchell, Perth WA
Back to roots
I am writing to draw your attention to my latest
book, Mallee Roots, which is an account of my
childhood experience of the rich community
culture of Walpeup, a remote Mallee town, in
the years 1942 to 1956. I believe your readers may
be interested in this account of the interaction
between a small town and a farming community
from the perspective of the son of a soldier settler
farmer. It is available through Ginninderra Press.
Bill Hampel, Malvern East Vic
Touring tips
I regularly purchase your magazine and love it as it
greatly assists me with my job as tour coordinator
for Marulan Coaches. Returning from a recent
reconnaissance trip I visited Jerilderie to book the
Royal Mail Hotel — a great hotel, which is where
Ned Kelly stayed for two days while holding up the
bank. Having made our booking, I noticed an open
gardensignonaninterestingbuilding across the
ad.As the president of
Win a
Pr i z e