Jubilees and the Samaritan Tradition
Jubilees SP Samaritan Tradition: Asatir
4:11: Seth marries his sister Azura
4:11: Seth begets Enosh (228 A.M.) 235
4:13: Enos begets Kenan (325 A.M.) 325
4:14: Kenan begets Mahalalel (395 A.M.) 395
4:15: Mahalalel begets Jared (461 A.M.) 460
4:16: Jared begets Enoch (522 A.M.) 522
4:20: Enoch begets Methuselah (587 A.M.) 587
2:32,33-39: Enoch dies
4:27: Methuselah begets Lamech (652 A.M.) 654
4:28: Lamech begets Noah (701-707 A.M.) 707
4:30: day of testimony in heaven = 1,000 years
4:33: Noah begets Shem (1207 A.M.) 11209]
5:23: Flood comes (1308 A.M.) 1307 4:21: from creation to day of visitation:
1,307 years
7:18: Shem begets Arpachshad (1310 A.M.) 1309
8:1: Arpachshad begets Cainan (1375 A.M.) * 4:31-32; 5:12-28: Nimrod
8:5: Cainan begets Shelah (1432 A.M.) 1444
8:7: Shelah begets Eber (1503 A.M.) 1574
8:8: Eber begets Peleg (1567 A.M.) 1708
8:11-9:13: Noah divides the earth [4:13: Noah divides earth 62 years after flood]
among his 3 sons
10:18: Peleg begets Reu (1579 A.M.). 1838 [4:19: after division of earth, 4,293 years
remaining of 6,000]
11:1: Reu begets Serug (1687 A.M.) 1970
11:8: Serug begets Nahor (1744 A.M.) 2100
11:10: Nahor begets Terah (1806 A.M.) 2179
11:14: Terah begets Abram (1876 A.M.) 2249
16:13-15: Abram begets Isaac (1988 A.M.)
(13:16; 15:1)
19:13: Isaac begets Jacob and Esau 2409
(2046 A.M.) (19:1)
11:20: Moses foretold what would happen in
next 3,204 years
*No Cainan in SP; Arpachshad begets Shelah.
Both the Asatir and Jubilees contain a good deal of detail not found in
the text of Genesis. Yet neither tends to have much overlap. Sometimes they