Lester L. Grabbe
that it is now also calculated.^14 The two do not necessarily coincide because
of differences in the pattern of adding an intercalary month.
Although the "fallen angels" tradition is perhaps not as central to Jubilees as
it is to 1 Enoch, it is still important, occurring in more than one passage:
5:iWhen mankind began to multiply on the surface of the entire earth and
daughters were born to them, the angels of the Lord — in a certain (year)
of the jubilee — saw that they were beautiful to look at. So they married of
them whomever they chose. They gave birth to children for them and they
were giants.... 5:6Against his angels whom he had sent to the earth he was
angry enough to uproot them from all their (positions of) authority. He
told us to tie them up in the depths of the earth; now they are tied within
them and are alone. 5 :7Regarding their children there went out from his
presence an order to strike them with the sword and to remove them from
beneath the sky.... ssHe sent his sword among them so that they would
kill one another. They began to kill each other until all of them fell by the
sword and were obliterated from the earth. 5:ioNow their fathers were
watching, but afterwards they were tied up in the depths of the earth until
the great day of judgment when there will be condemnation on all who
have corrupted their ways and their actions before the Lord.
A little further in the narrative another reference occurs:
7:2iFor it was on account of these three things that the flood was on the
earth, since (it was) due to fornication that the Watchers had illicit inter
course — apart from the mandate of their authority — with women.
When they married of them whomever they chose they committed the
first (acts) of uncleanness. 7:22They fathered (as their) sons the
Nephilim. They were all dissimilar (from one another) and would de
vour one another: the giant killed the Naphil; the Naphil killed the Elyo;
the Elyo mankind; and people their fellows.
- S. Powels, Der Kalender der Samaritaner unhand des Kitab Hisab as-Sinln und
anderer Handschriften, Studia Samaritana 3 (Berlin and New York: De Gruyter, 1977);
Powels, "XI. The Samaritan Calendar and the Roots of Samaritan Chronology," in The Sa
maritans, 691-742.