The Concept of Covenant in Jubilees
William K. Gilders
I. Covenant in Jubilees: The Evidence of Jubilees 1
Covenant is a key category in the book of Jubilees.^1 Indeed, Jubilees is funda
mentally a covenantal document.^2 In the present form of the work, the con-
- This paper draws on and is in dialogue with several studies that focus in some way
on covenant in Jubilees: A. Jaubert, La Notion d'Alliance dan le Juda'isme aux abords de L'Ere
Critienne (Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1963), esp. 89-115; B. Halpern-Amaru, "The Meta-
historical Covenant of Jubilees!' in Halpern-Amaru, Rewriting the Bible: Land and Covenant
in Postbiblical Jewish Literature (Valley Forge, Pa.: Trinity, 1994), 25-54; E. Juhl Christiansen,
"Covenant Consciousness in the Book of Jubilees," in The Covenant in Judaism and Paul: A
Study of Ritual Boundaries as Identity Markers, AGJU (Leiden: Brill, 1995), 67-103; J. C.
VanderKam, "Covenant and Biblical Interpretation in Jubilees 6," in The Dead Sea Scrolls
Fifty Years after Their Discovery, 1947-1997: Proceedings of the Jerusalem Congress, July 20-25,
1997, ed. L. H. Schiffman, E. Tov, and J. C. VanderKam (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Soci
ety, 2000), 92-104; J. van Ruiten, "The Covenant of Noah in Jubilees 6.1-38," in The Concept of
the Covenant in the Second Temple Period, ed. S. E. Porter and J. C. R. de Roo, JSJSup (Leiden:
Brill, 2003), 167-90. See also my essay "Blood and Covenant: Interpretive Elaboration on
Genesis 9.4-6 in the Book of Jubilees," JSP 15 (2006): 83-118.
- Pace J. M. Scott, who asserts that "Jubilees is not so much a covenantal book as an
apocalypse with a covenantal setting that inherently lends it authority" ("The Chronologies
of the Apocalypse of Weeks and the Book of Jubilees," in this volume), covenant is not sim
ply the context for the revelation to Moses but an essential element of its content. What is re
vealed to Moses clarifies the significance, nature, role, and place of covenant in God's dealing
with the world and with Israel. As VanderKam emphasizes ("Covenant and Biblical Inter
pretation," 92), "Jubilees is a covenant book in its structure and in its content."