Gabriele Boccaccini
Following Garcia Martinez's work, in 1998 and 1999 Martha Himmel
farb, Hindy Najman, and Gabriele Boccaccini — working independently of
one another — reached strikingly similar conclusions that, while confirming
Garcia Martinez's overall analysis of the heavenly tablets in Jubilees, pointed
to a different relationship between Jubilees and the Mosaic Torah.^5 We all
emphasized that, contrary to the rabbinic view of the oral Torah, Jubilees'
concept of the heavenly tablets was not meant to enhance the centrality of
the Mosaic Torah. In describing the attitude of the author of Jubilees, we
came to the very same conclusion, formulated even with the very same vo
cabulary — as a result of the introduction of the concept of the heavenly
tablets, the "uniqueness" of the Mosaic Torah was "lost," "downgraded,"
"relativized," "undermined."
Gabriele Boccaccini (1998):
Jubilees claims that the Zadokite torah does not contain God's entire
will; it is only one of several incomplete versions of the heavenly tab
lets.... The Zadokite torah does not even contain the entire revelation
given to Moses; it is only "the book of the first Torah" (6:22), with Ju
bilees also claiming a Mosaic origin.... The centrality and uniqueness
of the Zadokite torah are lost in its being only one document in a
larger written tradition, including Enochic documents and Jubi
lees.... The heavenly tablets are the only and all-inclusive repository
of God's revelation.^6
Martha Himmelfarb (1999):
The heavenly tablets serve as a source of divine authority that trumps
the authority of the Torah. Thus they put Jubilees and the Torah on a
similar footing. Both are subordinate to the heavenly archive that appar
ently contains everything that appears in either of them and more as
well. From this angle of vision, then the existence of a heavenly proto
type of the Torah serves not to strengthen the authority of the Torah but
- G. Boccaccini, Beyond the Essene Hypothesis (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1998);
M. Himmelfarb, "Torah, Testimony, and Heavenly Tablets: The Claim of Authority of the
Book of Jubilees," in A Multiform Heritage (Festschrift Robert A. Kraft), ed. B. G. Wright (At
lanta: Scholars Press, 1999), 19-29; H. Najman, "Interpretation as Primordial Writing: Jubi
lees and Its Authority Conferring Strategies," JSJ 30 (1999): 379-410. - Boccaccini, Beyond the Essene Hypothesis, 90, emphasis added.