Enoch and the Mosaic Torah- The Evidence of Jubilees

(Nora) #1
4Q265 and the Authoritative Status of Jubilees at Qumran

[ ]holy thirty stadia. Let n[o]
[W]hen there will be in the council of
the Community fif[teen

[The p]rophets. The council of the
Community is established

Pleasing and a sweet odour to atone
for the l[a]nd

Will perish in the judgments of the
periods of iniquity.

On the first week

[until] he was brought to the Garden
of Eden and a bone

did she have until she was brought to

[for] the Garden of Eden is sacred and
every young shoot which is in its
midst is a consecrate thing

(she) will be impure for seven days as
in the days of her menstruation

(the blood) of her purity. And if she
will bear a female she shall be impure

[shall remain]n in the blood of her
purity. [No] consecrate thing [shall
she touch].

The fragment may be divided into four parts. The first unit, consisting of lines
1 -6, contains the remains of some halakic rulings. They are phrased in the ab­
stract style characteristic of the Damascus Document laws. The second unit,
lines 7-10, has a clear sectarian nature. It mentions the "council of the Com­
munity" twice: in line 7 and in line 8, and in line 10 there appears the phrase
"periods of iniquity," which is typical of the sectarian vocabulary. The third
part (11. 11-14) is a retelling of the Genesis story of the creation of Eve from
Adam's rib and God's placing them in paradise. The fourth part (11. 15-17) is
again halakic in nature, dealing with the laws of impurity after childbirth.

Now, the easiest parts to identify as to background are parts 3 and 4.
Baumgarten had already pointed out that these two subjects — the story of

  1. Baumgarten reads HDD1.

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