Enoch and the Mosaic Torah- The Evidence of Jubilees

(Nora) #1
The Festivals of Pesah and Massot in the Book of Jubilees

as well") (Jub 49:2) executes the prediction in Exod 11:5; and the saving of the
Israelites ("the plague did not come on them to destroy... from cattle to man­
kind to dogs")^14 (Jub 49:4) occurs much as foretold in Exod 11:7 and 12:13.
The most creative exegesis is the treatment of Exod 12:23, which,m con­
trast to the other forecasts of the plague in Exodus, introduces a "Destroyer"
as its chief executor. The unusual personification all but invites the insertion
of a motif involving Mastema, provocateur of the testing of Abraham.^15
However, since Mastema himself had been bound and locked up from the
fourteenth onward (Jub 48:15), "the forces of Mastema" replace "the De­
stroyer" and, acting strictly in accordance with God's directives (49:2-4), be­
come "the Lord's forces" (49:4). The transformations — from "the Destroyer"
to "the forces of Mastema" to "the Lord's forces" — not only resolve the ten­
sion between Exod 12:23 and passages that present God as the sole executor of
the plague (Exod 11:4; 12:12-13,^2 7>^2 S>)> but also associate the saving of the Isra­
elites from Mastema's forces with the rescue of Isaac in the Jubilees Akedah

An even closer connection between Abraham's "festival of the Lord"
(Jub 18:18) and the celebration of the pesah on the night of the fifteenth is ev­
ident in the description of the night of celebratory eating as "the beginning
of the festival and the beginning of joy" (49:2). Without biblical parallel, the
Jubilees-created phrasing is artfully constructed. The direct article before
"festival" suggests that the Israelites are celebrating a previously established
festival on the night when they are eating the Pesah, and the repeated phrase,
"beginning of," implies that the festival and its joy extend beyond a single
day. Clearly, the intent is to imply that the Israelites are commemorating the
beginning of the seven-day patriarchal festival ordained for Jacob's descen­
dants "to celebrate... joyfully for seven days" (18:19). Undated and without
rituals in its patriarchal context, the first night of Abraham's "festival of the
Lord" now acquires both a date — the night of the fifteenth in the first
month — and rituals — "eating the paschal meat, drinking the wine, glori­
fying, blessing and praising the Lord God of their fathers" (49:6).

  1. The inclusion of "the dogs" is an adaptation of "not a dog shall snarl" (Exod 11:7).

  2. In contrast, the introduction of Mastema into the Akedah narrative requires the
    addition of a Job-like preface. See J. van Ruiten, "Abraham, Job and the Book of Jubilees: The
    Intertextual Relationship of Genesis 22:1-19, J°b 1:1-2:13 and Jubilees 17:15-18:19," in The Sac­
    rifice of Isaac: The Aqedah (Genesis 22) and Its Interpretations, ed. E. Noort and E. Tigchelaar
    (Leiden: Brill, 2002), 58-85 (here 71-83).

  3. In contrast to M. Segal ("The Composition of Jubilees," in this volume), I see
    exegetical harmonization at work in Jub 49:4.

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