Enoch and the Mosaic Torah- The Evidence of Jubilees

(Nora) #1
Betsy Half em-Amaru

Allusion Source Content



Exod 12:43 Statute of the pesah dealing with

who is to eat the pesah

(3) on its day


Lev 23:5,37 Offerings for sacred occasions at set

times; 14th for pesah

14th (sacrifice)

(4) in accord with all

its law

Num 9:14 Pesah Sheni; participation of

resident alien in sacrifice and

eating of pesah


(sacrifice and



i. The two phrases access biblical commands that deal with remembering.

One, Exod 12:14 ("this day shall be one of remembrance"), immediately fol­

lows a forecast of the events on the night of the plague. The second, Deut

16:3-4, associates the exodus with the eating of the pesah (as well as with the

prohibition of unleavened bread). Selectively drawing phrases from each

passage, Jubilees connects three themes — the night of the plague, the exo­

dus, and the eating of the pesah — all of which occurred on the fifteenth.

2. "This statute" in Exod 13:10 is understood as referring back to the

statute in Exod 12:43 that deals with who is to eat the pesah.^22

3. The phrase, which is drawn from the Leviticus sacrificial calendar, is

frequendy used in the Jubilees legislation as an indicator for the fourteenth.

4. The phrase appears in the plural in Num 9:3. Jubilees accesses the sin­

gular form in Num 9:14, a passage that involves both sacrifice and eating,

hence indicating the fourteenth-fifteenth. Note that this is one of several verses

where words borrowed from a passage involving Pesah Sheni are placed within

a command prohibiting any change to the date of the pesah commemoration.

49:8 For it is an eternal statute and it is engraved on the heavenly tablets re­

garding the Israelites that they are to celebrate it each and every year on its day,

once a year, throughout all their generations (lit.). There is no temporal limit

because it is ordained forever.

22. R. Akiba makes the same connection between Exod 13:10 and Exod 12:43

(b. Menahot36b; b. Eruvin 96a). The opposing position of R. Jose relates "this statute" to the

command regarding phylacteries (b. Menahot 36b; b. Eruvin 96a; cf. Mekilta Bo 17; Targum

Pseudo-Jonathan on Exod 13:10).
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