Enoch and the Mosaic Torah- The Evidence of Jubilees

(Nora) #1
Eschatological Impulses in Jubilees

hope for the future, for many of the descendants of Abraham: living the life
of covenant with the God of mercy offers hope for the future.

V. Conclusion

In my opinion, the most important aspect of these eschatological passages is
the new perspective they offer for the reading of the rest of the book of Jubi­
lees. They assess characters in new ways, focusing on their living the appro­
priate halakah within the perspective of both past and future life of the peo­
ple. The text clarifies many points of Jewish law, showing their significance
in the overall covenant pattern of their life as a people. It particularly invites
readers to fasten on notions of peace and healing as eschatological reality,
and thus contributes to a notion of the God of Israel as ultimately a God
whose mercy is greater than anything their actions deserve.

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