Jubilees and Enochic Judaism
establishing the methodology. We see both developments over the next two
There was probably an element of secrecy inherent in the 'Aza'el exem
plar that would account for the use of antilanguage^30 and cryptic scripts^31 in
this tradition. The association of the second canon with the concept of
"mystery" and the appearance of rules of initiation restricting access to these
texts (cf. lQS 9:15-19) may reflect an adaptive response to the totalitarian de
cree of Simon Maccabeus requiring submission of all Jewish communities to
his rulings, and banning any "meeting in our country without his permis
sion" on pain of death (1 Mace 14:44-45).
It is the function of this second canon specifically to maintain purity,
to equip the elect not to be deceived by the wisdom and teachings of the de
mons/ Gentiles, and to learn and observe the correct calendar so as to realign
their lives with the order of heaven. As such, the 'Aza'el exemplar facilitated
the solutions to the concerns of the other two exemplars, and tied these solu
tions exclusively to the revelations passed down in this tradition as "testi
mony"^32 or parenesis.
The Cosmic Exemplar
The cosmic exemplar viewed the same event from the perspective of liturgi
cal purity. The angels who were thought to govern the cosmic phenomena
relevant to the calendar were understood to have rebelled and thus thrown
the cosmos out of synchronization with the divinely appointed order and
calendar (which was perfect in symmetry) and in so doing broke the bond
between the worship of God that must take place on earth and that which
takes place in heaven.
The cosmic exemplar was located in heaven and so would not be repli
cated in the course of human history. The elect on earth needed the Enochic
"second canon" revelations to learn to ignore the observable and worship ac
cording to the original design, as first revealed to Enoch during his heavenly
In BW we discern a connection between the now-deviant cosmologi-
- See Jackson, Enochic Judaism, 19-21.
- See discussion in Scott, On Earth, 69 n. 119.
- VanderKam, The Book of Jubilees, 26, notes that this appears to be the author's title
for his work (Jub 1:8) and that the term is used to identify the content of angelic revelation
and his central exhortations to obedience to this revelation.