Enoch and the Mosaic Torah- The Evidence of Jubilees

(Nora) #1
Jubilees and Enochic Judaism

overt link between those texts. It also enables us to form some idea of an in­
ternal context within which to attempt to understand the variations, ten­
sions, and anomalies that we find in them.
This system involved an ongoing ability to self-correct. The goal of per­
fect internal consistency combined with the flexibility of replicating exem­
plars made the Enochic paradigm a most resilient system as a basis upon
which to understand and deal with the complexities, confusions, powers, and
often the horror of a wide range of Jewish experience over a period of around
three centuries. It is well then to remember that behind and consequent upon
the various texts that claimed this tradition were real people. As Kvanvig ob­
served in the course of our discussions, "We see their fingerprints, but not
their footprints." This paradigm constitutes those fingerprints.

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