Enoch and the Mosaic Torah- The Evidence of Jubilees

(Nora) #1
The Book of Jubilees: A Bibliography, 1850-Present

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Rosso Ubigli, Liliana. "Gli Apocrifi (o Pseudepigrafi) dell'Antico Testamento. Biblio-

grafia 1979-1989." Hen 12 (1990): 259-321, especially 295-99.

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Boccaccini, 137-40. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2005.

Rost, Leonhard. "Das Jubilaenbuch." In EATAP, 98-101. Heidelberg: Quelle 8t Meyer,


Rothstein, David. "Sexual Union and Sexual Offences in Jubilees." JSJ 35, no. 4

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. "Jubilees' Formulation of Gen 2:23: A Literary Motif Viewed against the Le­

gal Matrices of the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East!'ZABR 11 (2005): 4-


. "Same-Day Testimony and Same-Day Punishment in the Damascus Docu­

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. "Why Was Shelah Not Given to Tamar? Jubilees 41:20." Hen 27, no. 1-2

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. "Laws Regulating Relations with Outsiders in lQS and Jubilees: Biblical An­

tecedents." ZABR 12 (2006): 107-30.

. "'And Jacob came (in)to [KU+VK].' Spousal Relationships and the Use of a

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. "Text and Context: Domestic Harmony and the Depiction of Hagar in 'Jubi­

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Ruiten, Jacques T. A. G. M. van. "The Rewriting of Exodus 24:12-18 in Jubilees 1:1-4."

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venne, 567-75. BETL126. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1996.

. "The Interpretation of Genesis 6:1-12 in Jubilees 5:1-19." In Studies in the

Book of Jubilees, edited by Matthias Albani, Jorg Frey, and Armin Lange, 59-78.

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