
(John Hannent) #1
October• 2018 | 91


are bullied are
more likely to be
depressed, anxious,
struggle with school
work and experience
mental health issues.
If you are concerned
about someone,
then it is important
to ofer support and
seek expert help for
them – and yourself if
you are being bullied.

We’ve given them detailed ideas of
what bullies do and told them not
to be one. What we haven’t done
though, is teach them how to be
nice to one another. We just assume
they know. We hope that when we
tell them to ‘be nice’ that they know
how, but often they don’t.

That’s when Kindness Matters
(https://kindness-matters.org) was
born. I started it as a Facebook page
with the intent of sharing stories of
kindness and reminders to be kind
to one another, even when it wasn’t
easy.WealsostartedaWeekly Kind-
ness Challenge that gave people a
kindness task to perform each week.
i t th ere only a few

hundred followers. Soon after, I was
asked to speak at my school’s No
Place For Hate rally and I shared
Peyton’s story. Then, I started
speaking at other schools, sharing
Peyton’s story and using participa-
tion activities to show kids the real
power of their words and the power
of kindness.
To date, we have given presenta-
tions in 38 schools and our Facebook
family has grown to over 29,000.
We’ve also sent Kindness Matters
T-shirts and wristbands to all 50
US states and nine countries. Also,
because Peyton wanted to be a vet-
erinarian when he grew up, we’ve
started a scholarship in his name at
the Texas A&M University School of
Veter i na r y Med ic i ne.

Experts say the
risks are high when
it comes to bullying.
Girls who have been
bullied are four times
more likely to have
suicidal tendencies
than girls who
haven’t been bullied,
while boys that are
bullied are two-and-
a-half times more
likely to think about

Young people who

first, there

To get help in
Australia: Call 1800
55 1800 or visit http://www.
or http://www.lifeline.org.au.
New Zealand: Visit
lifeline.org.nz, Lifeline
Kidsline 0800 54 37
54, or upstand.org.
Singapore: Visit
Malaysia: Call
Childline on 15999.

Need Help or Support?

Free download pdf