Australian Homespun - June 2018

(nextflipdebug5) #1


Design area Thread Stitch

Back and centre
left petals Light Dusty Rose (3354)

Short and long loose
satin stitch

Base of front petal Light Dusty Rose (3354) Stem stitch

Front petals and
behind fl ower centre Cyclamen Pink (3805)

Short and long loose
satin stitch

Flower centre Medium Yellow Beige (3046) Satin stitch

Stamen Golden Olive (832) Straight stitch

Pollen Very Dark Beige Brown (838) Satin stitch

Petals Pale Yellow (744)

  • four strands
    Satin stitch

Flower centre Light Tangerine (742) Satin stitch

Calyx Medium Forest Green (988) Satin stitch

Petals Light Wedgwood (518)

Work the side edges of each petal
in stem stitch and the top edge in
long and short buttonhole stitch

Shading at the base
of the petals Medium Wedgwood (3760) Straight stitches

Flower centre Light Tangerine (742) Diagonal satin stitch

Calyx Very Light Avocado Green (471) Satin stitch

Stem Very Light Avocado Green (471) Stem stitch

Flower 8

Flower 9

Flower 10

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