Street Machine Australia - May 2018

(Chris Devlin) #1
A: Phil Edmondson is
putting in seat-time to set
up his XB coupe for Street
Machine Drag Challenge
2018, though the car won’t
be kept as-is for too much
longer. “I have a bigger,
billet 88mm BorgWarner
turbo on the way,” he
said. “Once set up, the car
will be hub-dynoed with a
focus on the tune. Also, the
rear end has never been
properly set up, so I’ll work
on that. And on top of that,
I need a new converter,
and I’ll have the guys at
Adelaide Motorsport
Fabrication build me a
larger stainless exhaust”

B: Anthony Ghinis’s street-
driven, trophy-haulin’ LC
GTR Torana continues to

pump out quick numbers.
With a previous PB of
9.15@145mph, Anthony
blew that out of the water
with a 9.08@145mph at
Fast Friday, moving him
up to fourth spot on the
SA Street Outlaws list.
“If there wasn’t a big
headwind I think we would
have got an eight,” said
Anthony of the turboed
RB30/C4/9in combo

C: Chrysler fan Yianni
Tsagariolos campaigned
his N/A 265ci Hemi-pow-
ered ’75 KB. “It has original
Green-Go paint, a bigger
E49 cam, four-speed,
BorgWarner diff with
31-spline axles, full spool
and 4.11s. It’s made 241hp
and 295lb-ft – not bad for

a mild Hemi,” Yianni said.
“Tonight I hoped for a low
13, but due to clutch issues
only ran a 13.9@96mph.”
The driveline is now up
for grabs to make way for
Yianni’s new project – a
street ’n’ race 410ci-pow-
ered VJ Dodge ute

D: Rory Hatch travelled six
hours from the mining town
of Roxby Downs for his
first quarter-mile pass. His
local track is the eighth-
mile at Whyalla – a mere
330km from home! His
grandpa-spec UC Torana
runs a Holden 355ci backed
by a T350 and BorgWarner
diff. Rory ran a tyre-lifting
11.2@117mph, improving on
his PB of 6.99@98mph over
the eighth

The List

THE SA Street Outlaws Top 20 Facebook page
guru, Jake Sansovini, gave us a brief rundown on
the rules of The List.
“To make the Top 20, you need to drive to and
from the track, with no changes made to the
car at the track unless it’s safety-related, such
as a parachute fitment. You need to run the full
interior, use any form of radial tyre, use the street
exhaust, and you need current SA rego,” he said.
“The page was made for shits ’n’ giggles, just
to recognise a few of Adelaide’s true street
cars that can lay it down at the track, but it then
took off! The hype and competitiveness are
unbelievable; currently there’s at least 10 cars
in the build aiming for seven and
eight seconds.”



A:A:A:A:A:Phil Edmondson is
putting in seat-time to set
up his XB coupe for Street
MachineeDrag Challenge
2018, though the car won’t
be kept as-is for too much
longer. “I have a bigger,
billet 88 mm BorgWarner
turbo on the way,” he
said. “Once set up, the car
will be hub-dynoed with a
focus on the tune. Also, the
rear end has never been
properly set up, so I’ll work
on that. And on top of that,
I need a new converter,
and I’ll have tehe guys at
Adelaide Motorsport
FabFabFa ricccatiaatt on onn buibbuuld l memdmea a
larlargergerge ststtainainlesless eses exhaxhaustuus”

B:AnAnAnAthothony thothny nyGhiGhiGhiGhinisnisnisi’s ’s strttrstreeteet-teet--
dridridrivenvenven, t, t, troproprophy-hy-hy-hauhauhaulinlinlin’ L’ L’ LCCC
GTRGTRGTRToToToranranna ca contontinuinues es toto

pump out quick numbers.
With aprevious PB of
9.15@145mph, Anthony
blew that out of the water
with a 9.08@ 145 mph at
Fast Friday, moving him
up to fourth spot on the
SA Street Outlaws list.
“If there wasn’t a big
headwind I think we would
have got an eight,” said
Anthony of the turboed
RB30/C4/ 9 in combo

C: Chrysler fan Yianni
Tsagariolos campaigned
his N/A 265ci Hemi-pow-
eree d ’d75 KB. “It has original
GreGreG en-en Go G paipa nt, a bigger n-
E49E49 cacam, m, fouour-sr-peepeed,
BorBorgWagWarnerner ddiffiffwiwthth
31-31-1-splspsplineineaxaxleslese, f, fulllull spspooloolo
andandand I. IIt’st’st’smamamadeded 241241241 hphphp
andandand 292929 5lb-ft5lb5lb-ftft–– notnotnot bababad fd fdfor oror

a mild Hemi,” Yianni said.
“Tonight I hoped for a low
1 3, but due to clutch issues
only ran a 13.9@96mph.”
The driveline is now up
for grabs to make way for
Yianni’s newproject – a
street ’n’ race 410ci-pow-
ered VJ Dodge ute

D:D:Rory Hatch travelled six
hours from the mining town
of Roxby Downs for his
first quarter-milepass. His
local track is the eighth-
mile at Whyalla – a mere
330km from home! His
grandpa-spec UC Torana
runs a Holden 355ci bi ackaccedd
by a TaT 3500 anand BdBorgorgrgWarWarnerner
difdiff. RorRory ry ranana ta tyreyre-li-liftifting ng
11.11.2@1@2@117m17m7mph,ph,ph,himiimimpropropr vinviniving og ogon n n
hishishis PBPBPBofofof ph ph oveoveover r r
thetheheeieiightghtg hh

TTThhheee LLLLLiiiiissssstttt

THTHTHTHEEEESASASASAASSSStrtrtrtreeeeeeeeett ttOuOuOuOtltlllawawaaws sss ToTTToopp p 2022020 FFacacebebboooook kkk papapagegegege
gugugugururururu,,JaJaJaakekekeSSSananaasossovvivininii, , ,gagaveveuusssaa abbrbrieieeff frururundndndowowown n nononon
ththteeruruleles ofofTTTheheheLLisisist.t.t
“T“T“o maaketthe Top 220 0, 0 yyouounneeed dtotodddriririvevevetttoooanananddd
frfomomtthe traaackk, wiwwiththnnnoochchchanananngegegegssssmamamaadedededettttto oooo ththththe e e e
car ataa thee traaackckckuuunnnlnnlnesesesessessssssssititititititit’s’s’sssssssssssafafafafffffetetetetetetetty-y-y-yyy-y-y-rererererererelalalalalalaateteteteteteteed,dd,d,d,d,d,sssssssucucucucucucchhhhhhh
asasasaaaappparararacacacchuhuhuhuteteteteffffititititmememementntntntt... YoYoYoYouuuuneneneneeededededtttto o oorurururun nn nthththheeefufufullllll
inininteteteeriririiorororo,,,ususususeeananananyyyfofoformrmrmoooff f rararadididialalaltttyryryre,e,e,uuuseses ttheheesstrtrtreeeeett
exexexhahahaususust,t,t,aaandndndyyyououounnneeeeeedddcucucurrrrrrenenentt SASAS rregego,o””hee saiaid.d
“T“T“Thehehepppagagage e ewawwassmamadedeffororsshihitsts ’n’n’ggigiggglgess, ,jujst
totorrecececogogoggnininiseseseaaafffewewewooof Adf f AdAdelelelaiaiaidedede’s’ssttrururue e ststsreeetet
cacacarsrsrsttthahahatttcan cacann llalaly y ititittddddowownnatattttthehh track, bubt it then
totookokooffff!!ThThe ehyhypep aand competitiveness are
ununbebelilievevabablee; ;currrenetly there’s at least 1 0 cars
in the buiild aiming for seven andd
eieighghtt sesecococondndnds.s.””


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