Street Machine Australia - May 2018

(Chris Devlin) #1

A: Ryan Oldman’s first night of
stomping quarters in his race-ready
Chevy-powered HQ four-door saw
his numbers tumble as he calmed
the nerves and got on the gas. Up
front is an 800hp 572ci backed by
a ’Glide, soon to make way for an
equally cubed 1100hp donk built for
a 500-shot of gas. His best pass of
the night was a wheel-lifting 9.96,
but he’s hoping to go mid-eights
with the new set-up

B: Sitting in lucky 13th place on the
SA Street Outlaws list, Dave Lockett
couldn’t better his previous PB of
9.60@141mph, instead pumping
out a run of 10sec. The stout GT42
turboed RB25/30 VR Holden ute
is as tidy as it is quick, offering a
full sleeper vibe once the bonnet is
closed. The venerable Nissan six-
cylinder is backed by a Powerglide
and BorgWarner diff with 3.45 gears,
a package that Dave aims to get into
the low nines or high eights

data. I tried feeding in more boost off the
line, but I’m guessing it was the humidity
that kept me from seeing another eight.”
It’s events such as our own Drag
Challenge and the US-based Hot Rod
Drag Week, along with the Street Outlaws
TV show, that we can thank for the rapid
rise in super-fast street-driven drag cars.
For proof, look no further than the SA
Street Outlaws Top 20 list and related
Facebook page. To make the Top 20, you
need to drive to the track in your crazy-
quick streeter and run a single-figure pass
in full trim. Do that and you’ll be popped
onto the list by the page administrator, the
forever-patient Jake Sansovini. Simples!
Phil’s eight-second pass saw his XB
bump up into second on the list, knocking
Luke Cakebread’s twin-turboed 370ci
powered LX Torry to third. Another mover
and list shaker was Anthony Ghinis’s
turboed RB30-powered LC GTR Torana

(SM, Oct ’08), which rocketed into fourth
with a 9.08@141mph late in the night.
Probably another half-dozen from the list
were giving it a crack, but the heavy air
held them in place.
With a few top spots being nabbed in
one night, and close times between them,
it’s a guarantee that those displaced won’t
take it lying down. I reckon it’s a powerful
injection of fresh energy into what was a
plateauing sport in Adelaide. Quite a few
competitors on the list are good mates,
crewing for each other when they’re not
racing themselves, harking back to how
the culture was when AIR first opened
in 1972.
With the list shake-up, along with
early testing for several Drag Challenge
potentials, Fast Friday showed that these
street meet-style events should have
some top-level racing in store in the
foreseeable future. s


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foforereseseeaeablblee e fufutututurerere.. ssss

with the new set-up

B:Sitting in lucky 13th place on the
SA Street Outlaws list, Dave Lockett
couldn’t better his previous PB of
9.6 9696969696969696966 0@10@10@1 0 0@10@10@1 0 41m41m 41 41m41m41mphphphph,phinininininstestestestestesteadadaadadadpumpumpumpumpumpumumpinpinpinppinpinig gggg
out a run of 10sec. The stout GT4 2
turboed RB25/30 VR Holden ute
is as sstidt y as it is quiccck, koffering ga
fulll sleeeeperpevivbe eoncce te tthe hebonbonbonnetnetnetisss
cloclolosedssedsed. T. TThehevenvenv eraeraableblebleNiNiNssassaan sn snsix-ix-x-
cylcylcylindindinder er eris is sbacbacbackedkedkedk bybybya a aPowPowPowergergergglidlidlide e e
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a pa pa packackackcageageageageththththat at at aDavDavDavDave ae aeaeaimsimsimsmstotototogegegeget it itintontontont
thethethethelolololow nw nw nw nineineineines os os os r hr hr hhighigighigheieieeightghtghthssss

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