Red Army Sniper A Memoir on the Eastern Front in World War II

(Barré) #1
—— Red Army Sniper ——


the trenches and then refitting all the firing positions and dugouts.
Additional foxholes were dug and ammunition stores, toilet
facilities and even our own bath­house were set up. In a word,
I took over troops who had been stuck in defensive positions, shook
them up a bit and began gradually to prepare them to attack.
This meant starting with their outward appearance. As soon
as we had finished the earthworks, I  ordered them all to clean
their uniforms, have a good wash themselves and only to go
around with clean collars. These measures raised morale among
my subordinates; it became more pleasant for them to look at one
another. Neat and tidy, with their hair cut, and their belts tight
around their waists, they now looked like soldiers from the pre­
war period. Our platoon and the defences we occupied came to
set an example, first within the company and then within the
battalion. Our practices were praised by the regimental command,
who often visited the front line.
And only when they had been through this ‘reform’ and felt its
impact personally did the troops realise that it was not just carried
out to gain praise from their superiors. Individuals of the nine
fraternal republics of the Soviet Union became friends, became
even more strongly united, got to know one another well, and were
ready to fulfil any assignment. I had confidence in my troops and
they believed in their young commander. And so began my new
life in the regiment.
It was difficult, but I found time to go out ‘hunting’ for Nazis
with my sniper’s rifle, more and more stars appeared on its butt,
and my tally of exterminated Nazis grew. I  also trained many of
my troops in the sniper’s art. I was assisted in this by my deputy,
Sergo Kazarian, and by Sergeant Ivan Karpov, commander of a
machine­gun platoon.
After forty years and more, even today I can still visualise each
of my soldiers. Take the sturdy, nimble and assiduous Ukrainian
Roman Stepanovich Moskovko. He was my rock, fulfilling the
functions of platoon commandant. With his large miner’s hands,
Moskovko loved to get stuck in with a sapper’s shovel. So, the

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