Red Army Sniper A Memoir on the Eastern Front in World War II

(Barré) #1
—— Red Army Sniper ——


‘Yes, I know about the results of the mission. Well done, boys.
Let them recover. So what are you thinking about, lieutenant?’
‘I was just wondering about... I  had an idea, Comrade
‘Let’s have it, share it with us.’
We scouts listened to the conversation between the officers,
wondering what our likeable lieutenant had come up with.
‘Comrade Commissar, I  was recalling the war against the
Finns. The Finnish “cuckoos”, their snipers. I  was thinking, why
not organise a school like that within the regiment? Well, maybe
not a school – that’s a bit grandiose – but a course like that, for
ten or fifteen men initially?’ And he looked questioningly at
the commissar, who was listening attentively to the lieutenant,
apparently weighing something up in his mind.
‘While we’re standing here in reserve, I  undertake to train
some top class snipers.’
‘What about resources?’ asked Agashin. ‘What else will be
needed apart from men, and your experience and will?’
‘Resources? Depends on circumstances! I’ve already been
making inquiries and the regiment has some snipers’ rifles. They’re
just lying there, bathing in oil at the weapons store. Completely
new! So that’s something!’
‘Well, that’s a practical idea. I’ll report it to the regimental
commander today. I’m already sure he’ll approve it. In the mean­
time recruit some “students” for your “academy”, lieutenant.
You’ve probably got an idea who.’
‘Yes, sir, Comrade Commissar! I’ve almost assembled a team

  • just from my company. But,’ and the lieutenant nodded in our
    direction. ‘could you let me have some of the scouts? Fellows like
    that would be good for a start; they’re smart and gutsy. Many of
    them are good at sport.’
    ‘How long will it take to train them? You realise, the situation .. .’
    ‘We’ll make it simple: a bit of theory, the equipment and how
    to use it. We do the exam right on the front line – with live targets!
    Even so it’s bound to take about fifteen days.’

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