Tech & Learning — February 2018

(lu) #1



By Joan Gal Peck

Quality and Effectiveness: The value, cost,
and scheduling of professional development
are often subjects of debate. Teachers have
many demands on their time and energy,
and PD offerings are often general and not
targeted. The Reading Horizons Online PD
Course allows teachers to be responsible for
their own PD and offers training specific to
the program they’re using in the classroom.
Teachers can do the training when it’s
convenient for them and revisit
content when needed. This
PD course supports teachers
with training modules that
are all in the same format
and are appropriate for
both new and experienced
teachers. While teachers
can set their own goals and
plan their schedules, they’re
still directed to finish modules
before teaching and to review content
to refresh their teaching. Teachers learn how to teach the program
before they use it, and have resources available as they continue.
Teachers are still accountable, but on their own terms. It’s easy
to revisit content, and tutorial videos are linked to lessons that
they will present—making authentic and helpful
connections between the PD and practice. There
are tutorials for setting up and customizing an
account, lesson planning, lessons and resources,
and community tutorials.

Ease of Use: The Reading Horizons PD course
is easy to use and takes specialized PD one step
further, giving teachers 24/7 access to course-
specific PD. Video support is always available,
especially for modeling, and there are downloadable

print resources for assessment and lesson planning. Modules are
self-paced and offer opportunities for practice and reflection.
Users navigate the program and access all resources from a single
dashboard. Teachers can also be part of the learning community by
subscribing to community forums, starting discussions, or replying to
posts from other teachers. This training model is effective, ongoing,
and program-specific, with clear outcomes.

Creative Use of Technology: The course offers 24/7 access and
integrated communication so that teachers can learn to use Reading
Horizons more effectively. Modules are linked specifically to all the
lessons they will teach. Teachers and administrators have immediate
access to materials as well as to online manuals so that the PD can
have the greatest impact on their teaching.

Suitability for Use in a School Environment:
Because this PD is online, teachers don’t have to
go to other places after a long day of teaching to
participate in PD. This PD, specific to the software
that they’re currently using, is available anytime,
anywhere. Teachers can access training and
fresh materials before they’re ready to teach the
next lesson and also be part of a larger learning


PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COURSE n Price and licensing: $100 per teacher, $2,500 for site license


  • Online professional development
    connected to the Reading Horizons

  • Materials, with videos and downloads, are
    instantly available.

  • It’s easy to be part of the online learning

This excellent PD
course provides specific
training for the different
Reading Horizons modules,
and teachers can easily
call up superior lessons
and support materials
Free download pdf